Executing the Merge

This section discusses how to merge employee data.

Page Name

Definition Name


Prepare Merge Process FPS Page


Create processing streams for merging data when running the full employee merge using SQR FPA504 or the daily employee merge using SQR FPA503.

The system determines which employees are processed in which streams.

Merge Employees FPS Page


Run the Application Engine process HR_FPA_CI to update job data for the full or daily employee merge.

This process uses the processing streams created on the Prepare Merge Process FPS page.

Merge Employee Record FPS Page


Run the Merge process (FPA501) to merge data for a specified employee ID and record number.

Use the Prepare Merge Process FPS page (RUNCTL_FPA503) to create processing streams for merging data when running the full employee merge using SQR FPA504 or the daily employee merge using SQR FPA503.

The system determines which employees are processed in which streams.


Workforce Administration > Collective Processes > Prepare Merge Process FPS > Prepare Merge Process FPS

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Prepare Merge Process FPS page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Prepare Merge Process FPS page

Field or Control


Number of Streams

Specify the number of streams to use to merge French Public Sector employee data into the job records.

The system determines the most efficient allocation of employees to streams. You do not need to select the employees to process in each stream.


Click the Run button to bring up the Process Scheduler Request page.

On this page, select one of the following options:

  • Full Employee Merge: Select to run the FPA504 SQR and create processing streams for the full employee merge.

  • Merge Process: Select to run the FPA503 SQR and create processing streams for the daily merge.

Use the Merge Employees FPS page (RUNCTL_FPAMERGE) to run the Application Engine process HR_FPA_CI to update job data for the full or daily employee merge.

This process uses the processing streams created on the Prepare Merge Process FPS page.


Workforce Administration > Collective Processes > Merge Employees FPS > Merge Employees FPS

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Merge Employees FPS page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Merge Employees FPS page

Field or Control


Stream Number

Select the data stream to merge into the Job Data records.

Merge employee data stream by stream until the process is complete.

Note: Define the number of streams to use to process employee data on the Prepare Merge Process FPS page.

Log Messages

Select one of the following options to generate error and warning messages related to the merge process in the message log:

  • All: If you select this option, all updates performed by the component interface that loads French Public Sector data into the Job Data tables will be reported in the message log (this includes the list of fields that are updated and their value). In addition, the log will report the time the update started and ended, as well as warning messages that might be generated by Job or Compensation PeopleCode.

  • Errors Only: If you select this option, the log file will report only errors that prevent the component interface used in the merge process from saving French Public Sector data in the Job Data component (if the component interface saves successfully, the log will be empty). Use the information in the log file to troubleshoot and fix the cause of the error messages before rerunning the merge process.

  • None: If you select this option, the system will not generate the error log or any other information on the merge.

When the merge process is complete, you can view the message log in the Review Merge Results FPS component (Workforce Administration > Collective Processes).

Use the Merge Employee Record FPS page (RUNCTL_FPA50X) to run the Merge process (FPA501) to merge data for a specified employee ID and record number.


Workforce Administration > Job Information > Merge Employee Record FPS > Merge Employee Record FPS

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Merge Employee Record FPS page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Merge Employee Record FPS page

Select the As of Date, the employee ID, and the EmplRcd# (employee record number).

The date that you enter enables the system to select and merge all actions for the specified EmplID (ID) and EmplRcd# with effective dates that are later than or equal to the selected date. To merge the entire career of an employee, enter a date that is earlier than or equal to the hire date.