Creating Bank Reporting Formats

This topic discusses how to create bank reporting formats.

Page Name

Definition Name


Layout Definition Page


Create new bank reporting layouts for different EFTs.

Layout Criteria Page


Create the structure and hierarchy for bank reporting layouts. You can define headers, details and trails records as well as field positions and length for each record type.

Field Definition Page


Modify the information in an existing field in a layout definition row.

Characters Replacement Page


Define the characters that need to be replaced in the bank reporting layout.

Centralization Data BRA Page


Group establishments to obtain centralized data for supported processes.

Use the Layout Definition page (GPBR_LAYOUT) to create new bank reporting layouts for different EFTs.


Set Up HCM > Product Related > Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt > Reports > Payment File Layout BRA > Layout Definition

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Layout Definition page.

Layout Definition page

Field or Control


Layout ID

Displays the unique identifier for the layout.


Enter a description for the layout.

Use the Layout Criteria page (GPBR_LAYOUT_DEF) to create the structure and hierarchy for bank reporting layouts.

You can define headers, details and trails records as well as field positions and length for each record type.


Set Up HCM > Product Related > Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt > Reports > Payment File Layout BRA > Layout Criteria

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Layout Criteria page.

Layout Criteria page

Rows Definition

Field or Control


Row Sequence

Enter the sequence to process the row during the EFT layout process

Row Length

Enter the number of positions, or characters, that the row contains, based on you bank layout specifications

Calculated Length

Displays the number of positions based on the fields identified in the Fields Definition region. This value is automatically calculated when you save the layout definition, and when you make a change in theFields Definition region.


Enter a description that identifies this row in the EFT layout.

Times to Reproduce

Enter the number of times you need to repeat the current row in your EFT layout.

Query Name

Enter a query that extracts the required information for the current row.

Note: Most bank layouts in Brazil are very similar, so you should be able to reuse the provided ITAU layout queries.

See PeopleTools: Query

Row Type

Specify whether this is a Header, Detail, or Trail row.

Select Header to indicate that the row is a heading row for the EFT.

Select Detail to indicate that the row is part of the body of the EFT.

Select Trail to indicate that the row is used for totals.

Populate Fields

Click to populate the fields coming from the query. This option automatically fills in the information in the Fields Definition region based on the query definition.

Fields Definition

Use the fields in this region to enter the detail for each column on an EFT layout. This grid is automatically populated with the selected fields in the query, however you can add user fields.

Field or Control



Enter the order to print the field.

Field Name

Click a Field Name link to access the Field Definition page and modify an existing field.

Note: You can also use the Main, Details, and Agent tabs in the Fields Definition region to access the information provided on the Field Definition page.


Select to align field information to the left or right.

Use the Field Definition page (GPBR_LAYOUT_SEC) to modify the information in an existing field in a layout definition row.


Click a field name link on the Layout Criteria page.

Note: You can also use the Main, Details, and Agent tabs in the Fields Definition region of the Layout Criteria page to access the information provided on the Field Definition page.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Field Definition page.

Field Definition page

Field Details

Field or Control


Start Position

Increments the last defined position by one and displays that value.

Field Length

Enter the number of characters for this field based on the EFT layout definition.

Field Type

Select the field type. Valid values are: Character, Date, Date Time, Image, Long Char, Numeric, Signed Number, and Time.

Break Data

Select to use this field as a break to generate subtotals.

String Properties

Field or Control


Pad Char (pad characters)

Enter a value to use when the system fills an remaining blank positions.

Upper Case

Select to convert the string in this field to upper case text.

Trim Spaces

Select to remove blank spaces from this field.


Field or Control



Select the source for your field. Select Agent Value to obtain the value for this field from the sum of a count of other fields. The system displays the Agent and Agent Count fields. Use Agent Count to count the number of occurrences. Agent Sum sums the value of the field.

Select Conversion to convert one value to another. You must enter the conversion values.

Select Field Data to indicate that the value for this field is obtained from the query.

Select User Default to provide a default field value.

Use the Characters Replacement page (GPBR_LAYOUT_REP) to define the characters that need to be replaced in the bank reporting layout.


Set Up HCM > Product Related > Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt > Reports > Payment File Layout BRA > Characters Replacement

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Characters Replacement page.

Characters Replacement page

Field or Control


From Value and To Value

List the values you want to replace in the From Value field and the values you want the system to use in theTo Value field.

Use the Centralization Data BRA page (CENTRALIZATION_BRA) to group establishments to obtain centralized data for supported processes.


Set Up HCM > Product Related > Workforce Administration > Centralization Data BRA

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Centralization Data BRA page.

Centralization Data BRA page

Field or Control


Process Type

Displays the type of process that you selected for data centralization. Options include CAGED Process, EFT Bank Layout, MANAD Process, PIS Process and SEFIP Process.


Enter the name of the establishment that creates centralized data for reporting purposes.

(For SEFIP process) The centralizer (establishment) and its associated establishments that you select must have CNPJ as the inscription type.

Centralization Option

Field or Control


Use Centralization

Select to use centralization and generate one single SEFIP report for all establishments listed on this page, which have the same first eight digits of CNPJ as the centralizer.

This option is useful for companies with many establishments, which would benefit from generating one centralized SEFIP report rather than many individual reports, one for each establishment.

Use Grouping

Select to use centralization and generate one single SEFIP report for all establishments listed on this page.

Not Using

Select to not use centralization. The process generates a SEFIP report for each listed establishment.

Centralized Data

Field or Control


Establishment ID

Enter the IDs of all establishments from which the centralizer collects data.