
Because it is common for some payments and deductions to be made only upon termination and some standard earnings might not be processed as part of termination pay, you must define exactly which earnings or deductions should be processed in response to a termination.

Before termination earnings or deductions can be processed, you must:

  • Define termination versions—that is, the set of reasons for termination, layoff, or completion of contract that are considered sufficient to trigger a set of termination payments and deductions.

  • Define the earnings and deductions to process upon termination (or layoff and completion) by associating each element with one or more termination versions.

  • Use the delivered generation control element RC GC VER RESCIS to trigger the processing of each termination earning and deduction only when the action and reason for an employee's termination match the termination version associated with the earning or deduction.

  • Identify the terminated employees and enter the appropriate action/reason for termination on the Job Data pages in PeopleSoft HR.