Defining a Default Retroactive Processing Method

The Default Retro Method and the On Conflict Retro Method for Switzerland are both corrective. These options are set on the Country Setup page. The core retro functionality suits all Swiss requirements.

The override retroactive to forwarding processing method is only used for net payments. The Net Payment accumulator (CH_00_54) is forwarded to the Earning element (CH_00_54f). The Final Payment element (CH_00_72), or CH_00_74 if negative, is the sum of CH_00_54 and CH_00_54f.

Global Payroll for Switzerland does not support retroactive transaction processing for the previous year. Therefore, it is recommended that during implementation that you set the retro limit to the first of January.

Additionally, several reports provide a special presentation of the results of retroactive processing. As there are no retroactive transactions that can be used for previous years, yearly reports do not process retroactive information. These reports always show the most recent results.

As a result, the presentation of retroactive information is limited to monthly and quarterly reporting. This section provides an overview on how the system handles retroactive results in these reports:

Reports with end user options:

  • Pay Balance CHE (GPCHTX06)

    If Print Detail Report check box is selected, the system displays the retroactive details. The delta amounts are displaced under the month where they occurred and accumulated. They are printed in bold under the current month of the payroll. The delta amounts count only in the totals of the current month to mirror the general ledger view on the numbers. If Print Detail Report check box is deselected, no details about the periods of delta will display, only the (inside the report) forwarded amounts are to the current amounts.

  • Pay Element Summary CHE (GPCHAL08)

    If the Print Detail Report check box is selected, the system displays the retroactive details separately for each month in which they originated. If the Print Detail Report is deselected, the system accumulates the retroactive transactions for all retro months in one amount.

  • Personal Statement (GPCHSI03)

    The Original Month, Most Recent Month, and As of Month radio buttons are used to list data as of the selected period in which data was generated. The system saves the personal attributes for each payroll run, in case those items that were changed in the past want to be viewed again. By choosing one of these options, you can track the history of the data change.

Reports with retroactive results in delta and reversal mode:

  • Payslip (GPCHAL10)

    For elements that only have changes to amounts or base pay, the system displays a new row that includes a leading asterisk (*). For elements that only have changes to percent or rate, the system reverses the old rows and displays new rows with complete data. Retro rows that have the same percent and rate are accumulated into one row.

  • Pay Balance CHE (GPCHTX06)

    For elements that only have changes to amounts or base pay, the system displays only the changed row. For elements that have changes to percent or rate, the system reverses the old rows and displays new rows with complete data for the following report:

  • Military Service - Monthly (GPCHE01)*

Note: * If a change is for amounts only, the system creates a new row; otherwise the old row is reversed and the system additionally creates a new row.