Delivered Error Messages for Switzerland

To assist you in calculating payrolls successfully, Global Payroll for Switzerland delivers predefined error messages that notify you of error conditions and data problems without interrupting the calculation process.

This section discusses:

  • General error messages.

  • Messages generated with the AHV report.

  • Messages generated with other reports.

Note: All delivered messages are in message set 17055.

General Error Messages

This table lists general error messages:

Message Number

Text / Explanation

Type (Error or Warning)

Generated In

Expected Activity


No data for previous year available


No longer active.

This message is informational.


A file has been created for Calendar Group %1. Processed rows: %2.


No longer active.

This message is informational.


A test run has been executed for Calendar Group %1.


No longer active.

This message is informational.


A new calculation run has been executed for Calendar Group %1.


No longer active.

This message is informational.


A cancel run has been executed for Calendar Group %1.


No longer active.

This message is informational.


The Calendar Group %1 has been Finalized.


No longer active.

This message is informational.


The Cancel process has been successfully run.


No longer active.

This message is informational.


The Upload File process has been successfully run.


No longer active.

This message is informational.


Earning for sequence %1 not assigned.

Sequence number of dependent may be greater than assigned earning number for child allowance (GPCH_CA_EARNINGS). Reorganize the dependent assignment or increase the number of assigned earnings.

Or, if sequence = '70', then the CH_TX_D31 is missing.


No longer active.

Supported number of children no longer depends on setup and is unlimited now. Assignment of source deduction for canton Vaud now independent of setup as well.


Bank data missing.

There is no bank data for the employee assigned.


Formula CH_EP_CHK_1002FF

No net pay distribution selection assigned to the employee.

Clerk needs to add the net pay information (or inform the employee to add within self-service).

Technical: Formula CH_EP_CHK_1002FF calls Array CH_BK_AR001, which checks existence of entries in GP_NET_DIST_DTL.


Print control data missing.

There are no print instructions for the Employee assigned. No payslip (and no Lohnausweis) will be printed.


No longer active.

Default for payslip print is now 'Print'.

Print control of Tax Statement (Lohnausweis) is done through another control field.


Company %1, pay entity %2 , legal entity %3 not in sync.

Company, pay entity, and legal entity need to be in sync. Adjust either company or pay group.


Formula CH_EP_CHK_1002FF

There is a mismatch between company and pay entity. Clerk needs to assign the employee to a valid company / GP pay group combination.

Technical: Company = system element; pay entity = system element; legal entity = variable according to the mapping defined in bracket CH_00_BLENTITY.


FAK canton is missing. There is no FAK canton assigned.

Check Location table for assigned Canton.


Formula CH_EP_CHK_1002FF

A valid canton for child allowance processing can't be identified. The canton is taken from Location table or from employee override. Clerk needs to assign either a Swiss location or enter an override on the Swiss Child Allowance page.

Technical: Location_Tbl.State for the assigned location isn't a Swiss canton and no override on GPCH_CA_DATA1 has been provided.


TAX Canton missing.

Employee is eligible for source tax. No tax canton is calculated.

Check assignment in Source Tax Data table (GPCH_TX_DATA).


Formula CH_EP_CHK_1002FF

A valid canton for source tax processing can't be identified. The canton is taken from employee's source tax assignments or from the Location table if such an assignment doesn't exist.

Clerk needs to assign either a Swiss location or enter an override on the Swiss Tax Data page.


Source tax tariff %2 for canton %1 not found.

Employee is eligible for source tax. Tariff code not found in Tariff table.

Check assignment in the Source Tax Data table (GPCH_TX_DATA).


Formula CH_EP_CHK_1002FF

A source tax tariff assigned to an employee isn't valid for the processed period.

Clerk needs to assign a valid source tax tariff.

Technical: Payroll reads from table GPCH_TX and GPCH_TX_Rates using the tariff and canton assigned to the employee. If there is no entry found, the system generates an error. This happens most often when the canton changes, the valid tariff codes for the year change, and codes for the employee are not adjusted to the new codes.


Seg %1, Per %2, and TER/HIR %3 not in sync.

There are segmentation triggers that do not match hire, rehire, or termination triggers for Switzerland. Remove the segmentation triggers.


Formula CH_EP_CHK_1002FF

There are payroll segmentation triggers that do not match the three triggers defined for Swiss payroll (full segmentation events of HIR/TER or REH).

Clerk needs to delete non-matching segmentation triggers (if the Release. 9 trigger cleanup feature does not remove the triggers).

Technical: The only supported full segmentation triggers are Job events with an Action of HIR/TER or REH. Trigger setup needs to be reviewed.


No matching hire date for pay entity %1 found.

A hire date for the processed pay entity not found.

An EmplID always needs a Job row with the Action HIR for any company / pay entity.



A valid hire within the company (or set of companies = legal entity) can't be identified.

Clerk needs to check that the employee has a valid hire date.

Technical: If a person moves from one legal entity to another, this needs to be done by means of a Termination and Hire / Rehire (on the same day if there is no gap between the termination and rehire). If such a change is entered with an Action other than Termination and Hire / Rehire, the payroll system will not find a valid hire within the new legal entity and will generate an error message.


Taxable salary (LAW 1B) 0f %1 CHF exceeds limit of 2000 CHF for tariff %2


No longer active.



Company change and EO entry as of %1 not in sync.

In the event of a company change, the EO entry needs to be booked in the beginning of the service period.


Formula CH_EO_FO001

An employee was transferred to a new company (legal entity). However there is now an EO (military service) entry for the previous company. Thus the EO refund will go to the new company, which could be incorrect.

Clerk needs to review the entry and adjust or substitute a corrective entry.

Technical: EO entries are calculated in the period of Effdt (effective date), based on the attributes of the service date. The refund always goes to the company as of the effective dated entry. If a previous company can not be 'reached' by retro calculation (which is limited to a year), adjustments need to be entered manually.


Payment for period %1 after termination as of %2.

There is a payment after termination. Please check to see whether the payment is allowed.


Formula CH_EP_CHK_1002FF

There is a payment after termination which may not be allowed.

Clerk needs to review the earnings of the employee and remove them if there is an invalid entry.

Technical: The set of 'invalid' earnings/deductions after termination is stored in accumulator CH_00_90. If an earning/deduction is included in this accumulator for an inactive employee, the system generates a warning.


UV Status %2 and STD Hours %1 not in synch.

The UV Status is either '3' and standard hours are > 8 or the hours are < 8 and the status is in (0,1,2,4).

Check to see whether this is correct.


Formula CH_EP_CHK_1002FF

Accident insurance (UV) status is at odds with the number of assigned hours.

Clerk needs to check whether the UV status is correct.

Technical: Employees working less than 8 hours per week are not eligible for the standard accident insurance. However, it is a requirement that a clerk verify that employees should be excluded from insurance coverage; therefore, the system generates a warning message rather than changing the UV status.


Entry for AHV # is missing.

If AHV # is not yet known, you need to save the record with CHE and AHV without AHV number. However, the record itself must exist in the system.


Formula CH_EP_CHK_1002FF

There is no National ID assignment.

Clerk needs to verify and enter National ID if it has not been entered, or remind the employee to provide the National ID as soon as possible.

Technical: National ID is maintained in Pers_NID. It is expected that each employee has been assigned a National ID.


Earning/deduction not valid for canton %1.

There is an earning/deduction assigned which is not valid for the indicated canton (for example, manual entries for GE child allowances).


Formula CH_EP_CHK1015

There are some legal earnings/deductions that can be granted only in specific cantons. The system generates warnings when these earnings or deductions are assigned to a person who is not in the canton.

Technical: The system performs this check in the case of:

  • Manual corrections to the child allowance earning CH_CA_C%GE, which is valid only for employees who work or live in GE .

  • Manual corrections to the solidarity funds SH deduction CH_SO_M00, which is valid only for employees working in SH.


Hours entered for previous year. Check child allowance.

This month's calculation includes hours for previous year. Please check whether child allowance needs manual adjustment.


Formula CH_EP_CHK_1002FF

Earning shows hours for previous year.

Clerk needs to check whether child allowances – which are based on worked / reported number of hours – are correct in previous year and in current year.


Daily EO-Payment of %1 exceeds Salary per day of CHF %2. Number of days: %3.

65 % of gross payment * 1.3, which is about 85 %, is less than EO payment. Check whether amounts are correct.


Formula CH_EP_EO_CHK

EO payment might be higher than regular payment.

Clerk should check whether employee is eligible to receive the delta paid out.


An entry for LAW exists, but not for the current company.

Add an entry for current company.



There are LAW (old and/or new) overrides for the employee in the current year, but this override is not set for the current processed company. This can occur when there is a company change during the year and the clerk does not maintain the data.

Clerk needs to enter an override for the current company.


Sex ‘Unknown’ cannot be assigned.


Formula CH_EP_CHK_1002FF

The gender from PERS_DATA_EFFDT is 'Unknown'. The clerk needs to update the gender of the employee to ‘Male’ or ‘Female’.


Values retro mismatch, CH_00_72 = %1, CH_00_74 = %2, CH_MC_BKTRO = %3


Formula CH_BK_FO100

The clerk needs to review results for the employee, because retro mismatch (for example, retro termination or retro mid month change of hire/term) payment credential has been identified.


Family Allowance paid, although last 12 months salary %1 is < CHF %2 and actual salary %3 < CHF %4.


Formula CH_EP_CHK_1002FF

The clerk needs to review results for the employee, because family allowance has been paid, although the salary for the past 12 months is less than the yearly limit and the actual salary is also less than the monthly limit.


Old age exemption may apply. Salary is %1 Minimum is %2


Formula CH_EP_CHK_1002FF

The clerk needs to review the ‘Apply Minimum AHV_AVS’ flag for the employee, because old age exemption may apply.

Messages Generated with the AHV Report

This table lists messages generated within the AHV report GPCHS108:

Message Number


Type (Error or Warning)

Generated In

Expected Activity


Begin or end date not available.

Contribution period for terminated employee cannot be determined.


Formula CH_AH_WAF01 used for IK-File according to internal specifications.

There are payments reported for previous year, but there is no calculation history for the previous year.

Clerk needs to review the payments. As payroll is already closed, clerk needs to report the AHV-number manually to the provider.

Technical: A payment for previous year is supported only if the employee was either calculated in the previous year with this payroll or valid history data (GPCH_RP_SI07, ~SI08) was migrated.


AHV number not valid.

AHV number either does not exist or has an invalid format.


Interface/Reporting used for IK-File will expire with Swissdec solution.

There is no AHV number assigned. This error should have been reported earlier during the payroll run (see message 1014).

Clerk needs to remind the employee to provide the National ID as soon as possible.

As payroll is already closed, the clerk needs to report the AHV number manually to the provider.


AHV Gross is negative.


Interface/reporting used for IK file will expire with Swissdec solution.

Provides additional information in the IK File that there is a negative payment.

Clerk needs to check whether this is correct.


Begin date of contribution period not available.


Interface/reporting used for IK file will expire with Swissdec solution.

This is a technical error that needs to be reviewed by customer development team.


End date of contribution period not available.


Interface/reporting used for IK file will expire with Swissdec solution.

This is a technical error that needs to be reviewed by customer development team.

Messages Generated with Other Reports

This table lists messages generated with other Global Payroll for Switzerland reports:

Message Number


Type (Error or Warning)

Generated In

Expected Activity


LAW Default Field GPCH_RP_AMOUNT40 %1


No longer active.



LAW Default Field GPCH_RP_AMOUNT41 %1


No longer active.



LAW Default Field GPCH_RP_AMOUNT42 %1


No longer active.



LAW Default Field GPCH_RP_AMOUNT43 %1


No longer active.

Report gpchal03.sqr. Tax Statement (Lohnausweis)



LAW Default Field GPCH_RP_AMOUNT44 %1


No longer active.

Report gpchal03.sqr. Tax Statement (Lohnausweis)



LAW Default Field GPCH_RP_AMOUNT45 %1


No longer active.

Report gpchal03.sqr. Tax Statement (Lohnausweis)



LAW Default Field GPCH_RP_AMOUNT46 %1


No longer active.

Report gpchal03.sqr. Tax Statement (Lohnausweis)



LAW Default Field GPCH_RP_AMOUNT47 %1


No longer active.

Report gpchal03.sqr. Tax Statement (Lohnausweis)



LAW Default Field GPCH_RP_AMOUNT48 %11129 M LAW Default Field GPCH_RP_AMOUNT49 %1


No longer active.

Report gpchal03.sqr. Tax Statement (Lohnausweis)



Deleted File %1.


At function LoadFile() from application engine GPCH_BK_03.MAIN-Step04 At application engine GPCH_BK_03.MAIN- Step12

This message is informational.


Failed to unzip file %1.


Component PeopleCode GPCH_LOAD_FILES.GBL.GPCH_DERIVED.GPCH_AL_LOAD_BTN.FieldChange At function Unzip() from application engine GPCH_BK_03 At method UnZip() from application package GPCH_FILE_ATTACH.AttachmentFile At method CascadeUnzipFiles() from application package GPCH_FILE_ATTACH.AttachmentFile

This message appears because it is not possible to upzip the bank definition file from the SIC website.


Failed to get file %1 from site %2.


Application engine GPCH_BK_03

This message appears because the clerk is not able to download the bank definition file from the SIC website.


File not found: %1.


Application engine GPCH_BK_03

This message appears because the bank definition file from the SIC website is not found.




No longer active.




ISO Invalid Character Replacement


No longer active.




ISO Valid Characters


No longer active.



Employee Location %1 not exists in Company Location Table


Formula CH FM E 17055 1137

Employee Location not found in the Company Location Table. The clerk needs to review the employee’s location.