Global Payroll for Switzerland is Swissdec Certified

Global Payroll for Switzerland was certified in:

  • April of 2008 under certificate # 1025.08.

  • December of 2010 for Swissdec 3.0 under certificate #1061.10.

  • January of 2014 for Swissdec 4.0 under certificate #1061.14.

Therefore, we highly recommend that you use the Swissdec payroll guidelines as published on the Swissdec website as additional documentation to become familiar with the payroll.

Also, all earnings and reporting described on the Swissdec website is valid for this payroll, especially for small and mid size customer that might run their payrolls out of the box with the elements described in the guidelines and provided by PeopleSoft Global Payroll for Switzerland.

See Swissdec Website.

See Additional Earnings and Deductions Table.