Hourly Payments

This section discusses:

  • Overview of earnings for overtime payments.

  • Earnings that use the rate from compensation for code C13600.

  • Earnings that use the rate from the job hourly rate.

  • Earnings that use rate in the customer maintained overtime table.

  • Earnings automatically derived for hourly payments

  • Other hourly payments.

We recommend that customers use the earnings that are described in this section for overtime payments. Swiss payroll provides samples that take the rate from the compensation, job or overtime setup. Furthermore, these earnings were setup to automatically create the mandatory additional earnings that compensate hourly workers for holidays and vacation. To adjust these earnings to the your needs, update the table with overtime pay rates and the two brackets that provide the percentage for holiday and vacation compensation.

Hourly payments chart for overtime pay rates, holiday compensation, and vacation compensation

Hourly payments chart for overtime pay rates, holiday compensation, and vacation compensation

This section discusses:

  • CH_ER_13600 – Hourly payment 1.

  • CH_ER_13610 – Hourly payment 2.

  • CH_ER_13601 – Hourly payment previous year

CH_ER_13600 – Hourly Payment 1

This table shows the earning, rate type, value, unit type, and value used for the CH_ER_13600 earnings:


Rate Type


Unit Type


CH_ER_13600 Rate * Unit

Rate Code

CH_ER_C13600 = HR: C13600

Earning/Deduction assignment

Manual entry

  1. Calculation

    CH_ER_13600 is the standard earning to calculate hourly payments. The rate can be selected as Net-Rate or Gross-Rate. According to the options that you select, the percentages in the setup table need to be maintained as a rate that includes payment for vacation and holidays. Earnings CH_ER_14010 and CH_ER_14020 are calculated automatically. You can then add them to the salary or just generate them for informational purposes.

  2. Source of value

    Hours come from units that are entered manually. The rate comes from rate code C13600 as provided in compensation on the employee level. You can override this rate manually.

  3. Specifics

    By virtue of a court act from 2004, a person that is paid on an hourly basis can claim payments for vacation and holidays. By contract it is mandatory that these payments are specified. In case it's not obvious from the contract, the employee can claim these payments on top of the hourly rate. Therefore, it is necessary to display the components that are dedicated to this task. In the delivered DEMO version, the earnings and percentages are shown as net payments, which means they are added to the regular salary (accumulator CH_00_0).

CH_ER_13610 – Hourly Payment 2

This table shows the earning, rate type, value, unit type, and value used for the CH_ER_13610 earning:


Rate Type


Unit Type


CH_ER_13610 Rate * Unit

Rate Code

CH_ER_C13600 = HR: C13600

Positive input

Manual entry

Similar to CH_ER_13600, the CH_ER_13610 earning code can be used for exceptions and is managed using positive input. CH_ER_13610 may also be used for a regular number of hours for each month and for assignment on earnings and deductions.

CH_ER_13601 – Hourly Payment Previous Year

This table shows the earning, rate type, value, unit type, and value used for the CH_ER_13601 earning:


Rate Type


Unit Type


CH_ER_13601 Rate * Unit

Rate Code

CH_ER_C13600 = HR: C13600

Positive input

Manual entry

  1. Calculation

    The standard earning to calculate hourly payments for the previous year. The rate can be selected as Net-Rate or Gross-Rate. According to the options you select, the percentages in the setup table need to be maintained as a rate that includes payment for vacation and holidays. Earnings CH_ER_14011 and CH_ER_14021 are calculated automatically. You can then add them to the salary or just generate them for informational purposes.

  2. Source of value

    Hours come from units that are entered manually. The rate comes from rate code C13600 as provided in compensation on the employee level. You can override this rate manually.

  3. Specifics

    See earning CH_ER_13600.

This section discuses these earnings:

  • CH_ER_13620 – overtime 100 percent.

  • CH_ER_13622 – overtime 125 percent.

  • CH_ER_13624 – overtime 150 percent.

CH_ER_13620 – Overtime 100 Percent

This table shows the earning, rate type, value, unit type, and value used for the CH_ER_13620 earning:


Rate Type


Unit Type


CH_ER_13620 Rate * Unit


CH_ER_FO100 = SY.Hourly RT

Positive input

Manual entry

The rate uses the Hourly RT Global Payroll system element.

CH_ER_13622 – Overtime 125 Percent

This table shows the earning, rate type, value, unit type, and value used for the CH_ER_13622 earning:


Rate Type


Unit Type


CH_ER_13622 Rate * Unit


CH_ER_FO100 = SY.Hourly RT

Positive input

Manual entry

The rate uses the Hourly RT Global Payroll system element multiplied by 1.25 percent.

CH_ER_13624 – Overtime 150 Percent

This table shows the earning, rate type, value, unit type, and value used for the CH_ER_13624 earning:


Rate Type


Unit Type


CH_ER_13624 Rate * Unit


CH_ER_FO100 = SY.Hourly RT

Positive input

Manual entry

The rate uses the Hourly RT Global Payroll system element multiplied by 1.50 percent.

This section discuses these earnings for vacation and holiday compensation:

  • CH_ER_14010 – hourly vacation compensation.

  • CH_ER_14011 – hourly vacation compensation (previous year).

  • CH_ER_14020 – hourly holiday compensation.

  • CH_ER_14021 – hourly holiday compensation (previous year).

CH_ER_14010 – Hourly Vacation Compensation

This table shows the earning, rate type, value, unit type, and value used for the CH_ER_14010 earning:


Rate Type


Unit Type


CH_ER_14010 Basis * %




As of bracket.

  1. Calculation

    Vacation compensation for hourly paid employees.

  2. Source of value

    Base is accumulator CH_ER_8010, which accumulates hourly earnings. The standard uses CH_ER_13600 and CH_ER_13610. The percentage uses CH_ER_FO010, which provides a value based on age and the value in the standard bracket CH_ER_BR001. You can override these earnings and use a real vacation plan, however.

  3. Specifics

    There is one vacation payment generated based on the sum of hourly earnings within the specified month.

CH_ER_14011 – Hourly Vacation Compensation (Previous Year)

This table shows the earning, rate type, value, unit type, and value used for the CH_ER_14011 earning:


Rate Type


Unit Type


CH_ER_14011 Basis * %




As of bracket.

  1. Calculation

    Vacation compensation for the previous year for hourly paid employees.

  2. Source of value

    The base uses accumulator CH_ER_8011, which accumulates hourly earnings for the previous year. The standard uses CH_ER_13601. The percentage uses CH_ER_FO011 which provides a value based on the previous year's age and the value in the standard bracket CH_ER_BR001. You can override these earnings and use a real vacation plan, however.

  3. Specifics

    There is one vacation payment generated for the previous year based on the sum of hourly earnings for the previous year within the specified month.

Note: Depending on age (for previous year plus 1 year) the system assigns vacation entitlements of 20, 25 or 30 days. You can override this in the corresponding customer exit. You can also adjust percentages in cases where the compensation is paid additionally or already included in the payment for overtime earnings.

To make changes, access the Data page by selecting Set Up HCM, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Elements, Supporting Elements, Brackets, Data. Then select the CH_ER_BR001 element name (hourly vacation component)

CH_ER_14020 – Hourly Holiday Compensation

This table shows the earning, rate type, value, unit type, and value used for the CH_ER_14020 earning:


Rate Type


Unit Type


CH_ER_14020 Basis * %




As of bracket.

  1. Calculation

    Holiday compensation for hourly paid employees.

  2. Source of value

    The base uses accumulator CH_ER_8010, which accumulates hourly earnings. The standard uses CH_ER_13600 and CH_ER_13610. The percentage uses CH_ER_FO022, which provides value based on the value in bracket CH_ER_BR002. You can override this by using a percentage for the real holiday schedule.

  3. Specifics

    There is one holiday payment generated based on the sum of hourly earnings within the specified month.

CH_ER_14021 – Hourly Holiday Compensation (Previous Year)

This table shows the earning, rate type, value, unit type, and value used for the CH_ER_14021 earning:


Rate Type


Unit Type


CH_ER_14021 Basis * %




As of bracket.

  1. Calculation

    Holiday compensation for the previous year for hourly paid employees.

  2. Source of value

    The base uses accumulator CH_ER_8011, which accumulates hourly earnings for the previous year. The standard uses CH_ER_13601. The percentage uses CH_ER_FO022 which provides a value based on the value in bracket CH_ER_BR002. You can override this by using a percentage for the real holiday schedule.

  3. Specifics

    There is one holiday payment for the previous year that is generated based on the sum of hourly earnings for the previous year within the specified month

To make changes, access the Data page by selecting Set Up HCM, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Elements, Supporting Elements, Brackets, Data. Then select the CH_ER_BR002 element name (holiday premium hourly payment).

This section discusses the CH_ER_22000 earning which is used for certain overtime payments.

CH_ER_22000 – Overtime 125 % (GAV)

This table shows the earning, rate type, value, unit type, and value used for the CH_ER_22000 earning:


Rate Type


Unit Type


CH_ER_22000 Rate * Unit * %


CH_ER_FO030 = Overtime Pay Rate (Annual RT)

Positive input

Manual entry

The rate equals the overtime pay rate that appears on the Overtime CHE page, where the bracket entry (Annual Salary) equals the Annual RT Global Payroll system element.

There are more earnings provided that you can use to enter hourly payments. This earnings are in the range between 1000 and 9999 and are provided due to the Swissdec certification. Use these earnings to manually input data. They do not create any corresponding compensation, however.