Common Elements Used with Social Insurance

Field or Control


ALV Status

Select or view who pays the ALV contributions:

  • ER/EE (default): Employer and employee each pay 50% of the contributions.

  • NONE: No contributions are paid.

  • EMPLOYER: Employer pays all contributions.

AHV Status

Select or view who pays the AHV contributions:

  • ER/EE (default): Employer and employee each pay 50% of the contributions.

  • NONE: No contributions are paid.

  • EMPLOYER: Employer pays all contributions.

Risk Group

Select the classification for your company. Insurance providers and employers decide which employees belong to which group. Possible entries are A to Z.

UV Status (accident insurance status)

Select who pays accident insurance contributions. Valid values are 0 None, 1 NBU/EE, 2 NBU/EMPLOYER, and 3 BU only.

EE Contr AHV (employee contribution AHV)

Displays the employee AHV contribution expressed as a percentage.

Total Contribution AHV

Displays the AHV contribution rate as a percentage for the employee and the employer together. Shows the (fixed) total contribution percentages for employer and employees.

Employee Contribution ALV

Displays the employee contribution to the ALV percentage.

Total Contribution ALV

Displays the total contribution to ALV percentage paid by the employee and the employer together.

Employee Contribution ALVZ

Displays the employee contribution to the ALVZ percentage.

Total Contribution ALVZ

Displays the total contribution to ALVZ percentage paid by the employee and employer.