Global Payroll for Thailand Overview

Global Payroll for Thailand delivers elements, rules, pages, processes, and reports that work with the PeopleSoft Global Payroll core application to form a complete payroll package for companies doing business in Thailand.

Important! Effective June 1, 2021, Global Payroll for Thailand is no longer being distributed or supported. While customers and partners continue to have access to previous support information, ongoing maintenance or bug fixes will not be provided. Customers and partners should take immediate steps to look into the current tax and legislative requirements in Thailand and ensure that they are duly compliant.

Contact your Oracle sales representative if you have questions.

Global Payroll for Thailand delivers earnings for basic salary, as well as overtime, car allowances, termination earnings, bonus and some template earning elements for non-taxable incomes. Global Payroll for Thailand also delivers many common deduction elements, such as those for social security contribution, provident fund contribution, leave without pay, and personal income tax. With Global Payroll for Thailand, you can capture, generate, and maintain payroll related data for companies and employees. The Global Payroll for Thailand payroll process supports three tax calculation methods for regular and irregular income: withholding, gross up all cycle, and gross up one cycle. Global Payroll for Thailand also supports tax allowance calculation and declaration though employee self-service.

Global Payroll for Thailand delivers the following features:

  • Statutory payroll rules for Thailand, such as process list, sections, element group, and elements.

  • Setup pages for maintaining payee level and company level social security and provident fund data.

  • Setup pages to extend payee and company information in order to meet reporting requirements.

  • Statutory tax and social security related reports for Thailand.

  • Statutory tax and social security related data media files for Thailand.

  • Payslip setup pages, payslip templates, and a payslip generating process for Thailand.

  • Security access type for pay group security requirements.