Setting Up Social Security Hospitals

To maintain Social Security hospitals, use the component (GPTH_HOSPITAL), and to enter an employee’s Social Security selections, use the component.

Page Name

Definition Name


Social Security Hospital THA Page


Maintain a list of available Social Security hospitals in Thailand.

Maintain SSO Hospital Data THA Page


Enter an employee’s Social Security hospital selections.

Maintain SSO Hospital Data THA Page


Employees use this page to maintain their own Social Security hospital selections.

Use the Social Security Hospital THA page (GPTH_HOSPITAL) to maintain a list of available Social Security hospitals in Thailand.


Set Up HCM > Product Related > Global Payment & Absence Mgmt > Social Security / Insurance > Social Security Hospital THA > Social Security Hospital THA

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Social Security Hospital THA page.

Social Security Hospital THA

SSO Hospitals are required for use on the Maintain SSO Hospital Data THA page, where you identify

Use the Maintain SSO Hospital Data THA page (GPTH_HOSP_EE) to enter an employee’s Social Security hospital selections.


Global Payment & Absence Mgmt > Payee Data > Social Security/Insurance > Maintain SSO Hospital Data TH > Maintain SSO Hospital Data TH

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Maintain SSO Hospital Data THA.

Maintain SSO Hospital Data THA page

Note: Only the hospitals that are defined on the Social Security Hospital THA page (GPTH_HOSP_EE) are available for selection here on the Maintain SSO Hospital Data THA page.