Setting Up the Payee Social Security Contribution Rate

To set up the payee's social security contribution rate, use the Maintain SSO Data THA (Maintain Social Security Office Data Thailand) (GPTH_SI_PAYEE) component.

Define your company social security data before you set up any payee social security information. The company social security information includes the company name, employer contribution rate, employee contribution rate, branch name, branch location code, and so on. The system uses default payee values from the company data based on the payee's location and company.

Page Name

Definition Name


Maintain SSO Data THA Page


Maintain payee social security data.

Use the Maintain SSO Data THA page (GPTH_SI_PAYEE) to maintain payee social security data.


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt > Payee Data > Social Security/Insurance > Maintain SSO Data THA > Maintain SSO Data THA

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Maintain SSO Data THA page.

Maintain SSO Data THA page

Field or Control


Branch Number

Enter the branch number for the current payee.

Employer Contribution Rate

Enter the employer's contribution percentage to override the default value.

Employee Contribution Rate

Enter the employee's contribution percentage to override the default value.