Setting Up the Provident Fund Contribution Rate

To set up a provident fund contribution rate, use the Company Provident Fund THA (GPTH_PF_COMP) and Payee Provident Fund Setup THA (GPTH_PF_PAYEE) components.

Page Name

Definition Name


Company Provident Fund THA Page


Define company level provident fund data.

Payee Provident Fund Setup THA Page


Define payee level provident fund data.

Provident Fund Setup Page


Define payee level provident fund data.

Update Provident Fund Info THA Page


Update provident fund information for a calendar group.

Use the Company Provident Fund THA page (GPTH_PF_COMP) to define company level provident fund data.


Set Up HCM > Product Related > Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt > Social Security / Insurance > Company Provident Fund Data THA > Company Provident Fund THA

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Company Provident Fund THA page.

Company Provident Fund THA page

Field or Control


Start Date of LOS (start date of length of service)

Enter the starting date for the length of service calculation. Select the appropriate start date for your company, valid selections are: Completion of Probation and Hire Date.

Set Company Rate Range

Select this check box to specify the rate range for your company in the Provident Fund Rate From and Provident Fund Rate To fields.

Provident Fund Rate From andProvident Fund Rate To

Enter the provident fund employer contribution rates. The employer rate should fall between the values in these two fields. These fields are only available if the Set Company Rate Range check box is selected.

Provident Fund Manager

Enter the name of the provident fund manager.

Pay Group

Select a pay group for this company.

Length of service from andLength of service to

Enter the starting and ending period, in years, for each rate specified in the Employer Rate andEmployee Rate fields.

The system uses the values in these fields to determine the correct provident fund contribution rate.

Employer Rate

Enter the employer contribution percentage for each length of service range.

Employee Rate

Enter the employee contribution percentage for each length of service range.

Use the Payee Provident Fund Setup THA page (GPTH_PF_PAYEE) to define payee level provident fund data.


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt > Payee Data > Social Security/Insurance > Payee Provident Fund Setup THA > Payee Provident Fund Setup THA

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Payee Provident Fund Setup THA page.

Payee Provident Fund Setup THA page

Note: The Provident Fund Setup self-service page (GPTH_SS_PF_PAYEE) has the same fields as described here.

Field or Control


Keep Same With Company Setting

Use this check box to control whether employees can change their provident fund contribution rates or can only contribute a rate based on LOS as defined on the Company Provident Fund THA Page

Select the check box to keep the employee contribution rate the same as the company-defined employee contribution rated based on LOS. . When the check box is selected, the Provident Fund Employee Rate field is display only.

Deselect the check box to allow employees to modify their Provident Fund contribution rates with any value equal to or less than the company contribution rate. An error message appears when you try to save the page if a value greater than the company contribution rate is entered in the Provident Fund Employee Rate field, and the change cannot be saved.

By default, the check box is deselected.

Provident Fund Manager

Select the provident fund manager for this payee.

Membership Number

Enter the membership number for the provident fund manger.

Provident Fund Employer Rate

Displays the employer contribution percentage when you enter the name of the provident fund manger

Provident Fund Employee Rate

Enter an employee contribution percentage if you want to change this value from the default established on the Company Provident Fund THA page.

Employerand Employee

The system displays the total employer and employee contribution rates.

Update Totals

If you make changes to the page, select the Update Totals button to recalculate and display the current contribution rate totals.

Use the Update Provident Fund Info THA page (GPTH_RC_PF) to update provident fund information for a calendar group.


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt > Absence and Payroll Processing > Prepare Payroll > Update Provident Fund Info THA > Update Provident Fund Info THA

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Update Provident Fund Info THA page.

Update Provident Fund Info THA page