Defining Self-Insurance Data

To set up and maintain self-insurance data, use the Self-Insurance Data component (GPES_SLF_INS_DATA).

This topic discusses how to define self-insurance data.

Page Name

Definition Name


Self-Insurance Data Page


Set up and maintain self-insurance percentages and details for companies (at the employer social security number level) with voluntary self-insurance collaborations.

Use the Self-Insurance Data page (GPES_SLF_INS_DATA) to set up and maintain self-insurance percentages and details for companies (at the employer social security number level) with voluntary self-insurance collaborations.


Set Up HCM > Product Related > Workforce Administration > Workforce Data ESP > Self-Insurance Data ESP

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Self-Insurance Data page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Self-Insurance Data page

Self-Insurance Percentages

Use this group box to define the reduction rate percentages for each self-insurance collaboration type. The system factors these percentages when calculating social security contributions for companies with self-insurance that collaborate with Social Security to provide the corresponding benefits or specific contributions.

Field or Control


Effective Date

Enter the date that the self-insurance reduction rate percentages become valid.


Select whether the self-insurance reduction rate percentages are Active or Inactive.

Field or Control


Percentage for AT/EP

Contains the self-insurance percentage for the work-related injury or occupational disease (AT/EP) collaboration type as given annually by the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs (MTAS). It is used during the shared services contribution calculation. Oracle delivers and maintains this value.

Field or Control


Percentage for non AT/EP

Contains the self-insurance percentage for common disease or nonwork-related injury (non-AT/EP) collaboration type as given annually by MTAS. It is used during calculation of the regular situations joint-management reduction. Oracle delivers and maintains this value.

Self-Insurance SSN Employers

Use this group box to specify, by employer social security number, the companies with self-insurance and the collaboration types associated with these employer social security numbers.

Field or Control


Social Security Number and Company

Select the employer social security number for the companies that have self-insurance and are collaborating with Social Security to directly provide AT/EP or non-AT/EP benefits to employees. The system prompts you to select from employer social security numbers for Spanish establishments as defined on the Establishment Address page.

Effective Date

Enter the date that the collaboration type for each selected company becomes valid. This is the authorization date.


Select whether the collaboration type for each selected company is Active or Inactive.

Check AT/EP

Select to indicate that the selected company has a self-insurance collaboration type for work-related injury or occupational disease.

Check non-AT/EP

Select to indicate that the selected company has a self-insurance collaboration type for common disease or nonwork-related injury.