Running Banking Reports

This topic lists the pages used to run banking reports provided by PeopleSoft Global Payroll for Spain.

Page Name

Definition Name


Missing Bank Account Rpt ESP


Run the Missing Bank Account report (GPESBNK1), which lists those employees who have no bank account in the system. You can run the report for a selected pay entity or pay group.

Payee Bank Account Report ESP


Run the Payee Bank Account report (GPESBNK2) that lists employees and their bank accounts for a selected pay entity or pay group.

Net Payment Report ESP


Run the Net Payment report (GPESBNK3) that lists all of the transfers with a payment date between the dates selected.

Pending Net Payment Report ESP


Run the Pending Net Payment report (GPESBNK4) that lists all of the pending transfers from a selected date or transfers that were pending between two selected dates.

Bank File Creation Log ESP


Run the Bank File Creation Log report (GPESBNK6) that lists all of the exclusions and splits that occurred during bank file creation. The report also lists the reason for each exclusion.

While running this report, select the Run control ID and the Process instance that corresponds to the banking file execution you want to analyze.