Understanding Social Security Absence Days Count

PeopleSoft Global Payroll for Spain counts absence days to report to Social Security in cases of sickness, industrial or professional accident, maternity/paternity, or risk during pregnancy or lactancy using the following counters:



Sick Days Counter

Counts the number of Social Security base days.

Workdays Counter

Counts the number of paid workdays.

Benefits Days Counter

Counts the number of compensation days for Social Security benefits.

The system uses these counters along with the AUS FM DIAS formula for the calculation of an employee's social security contribution base, social security compensation, social security benefits, and company complementary benefits.

Day Counts for Social Security Contribution Base

The system counts Social Security base days for Social Security absences in two segments: healthy days and sick days.

To count the number of healthy days, the system uses the Workdays Counter.

To count the number of sick days, the system uses the Sick Days Counter. The Sick Days Counter determines the sick days by calculating the difference between the days by frequency and the work days. Thus:

Sick Days Counter = Days by Frequency – Number of Workdays

The days by frequency are the days considered for contribution purposes depending on whether the count is for employees with a daily salary basis or a monthly salary basis. For employees with a daily salary basis, the system uses the actual number of calendar days in the month. For the employees with the monthly salary basis, the system uses 30 days regardless of the actual number of calendar days in the month.

Note: Note these two exceptions regarding the sick days count for employees with a monthly salary base because of the set 30 days. First, if an employee has a full month of absences in February or any month with 31 days, count 30 days of absence. Second, if an employee has one absence in a 31 day month, the system counts 30 healthy days and 0 sick days.

Day Counts for Social Security Benefits

When counting compensation days for Social Security benefits, the system uses the Benefits Days Counter. In this case, the counter considers natural sick days. It counts the exact number of calendar days, including holidays, vacation days, and weekends.

Note: The system does not adjust this counter to 30 days. It always uses the exact number of calendar days in the month. Thus, the benefits days for a whole month of sickness in February or a month with 31 days is equal to the exact number of calendar days.

Day Counts for Company Complementary Benefits

When calculating company complementary benefits, the system uses the Benefits Days Counter. To perform the calculation, the system:

  • Calculates the target gross to pay the employee based on the complementary benefits setup data at the labor agreement level.

  • Makes an adjustment to avoid paying employee's a higher gross for months with sickness compared to a regular month without absences.

  • Makes an adjustment for certain rules to ensure that employees with a monthly salary basis are paid for exactly 30 days when absent the entire month, regardless of the actual calendar days.

  • Converts the complementary benefit for day 31 into a negative amount to absorb the Social Security benefit for that day when the employee is on a monthly salary basis.

    Note: The system performs this conversion only if the final complementary benefit is greater than or equal to zero.

  • Converts the complementary benefit for day 28 and 29 of February into a positive amount to adjust the Social Security benefit for those days when the employee is paid on a monthly salary basis.


If an employee with a monthly salary basis starts a common sickness (IT) absence on January 11:

  • Days by frequency = 30 (just for being a monthly employee and active the whole month)

  • Workdays Counter = 10 (exact number of workdays in that month)

  • Sick Days Counter = Days by frequency – Worked days = 30 – 10 = 20

  • Benefits Days Counter = Sick days = 21 (exact number of calendar days with sickness, from the 11th to the 31st)

If an employee with a daily salary basis starts a common sickness (IT) absence on January 11:

  • Days by frequency = 31 (just for being a daily employee and active the whole month)

  • Workdays Counter = 10 (exact number of worked days in that month)

  • Sick Days Counter = Days by frequency – Worked days = natural sick days = January 11 to January 31 = 21

  • Benefits Days Counter = Sick days = 21 (exact number of calendar days with sickness, from the 11th to the 31st)

If an employee with a monthly salary basis starts a common sickness (IT) absence on February 11:

  • Days by frequency = 30 (just for being a monthly employee and active the whole month)

  • Workdays Counter = 10 (exact number of worked days in that month)

  • Sick Days Counter = Days by frequency – Worked days = 30 – 10 = 20

  • Benefits Days Counter = 18 days (exact number of calendar days with sickness, from the 11th to the 28th)

  • Complementary Benefits Days = natural sick days + 2 (The system extends complementary benefits 2 more days using the payment percentage assigned to day 28).

If an absence due to sickness starts on the last day of a month with 31 calendar days for an employee with a monthly salary basis:

  • Workdays counter = 30 days (the exact working days as healthy days).

  • Sick days counter = Days by frequency – Worked days = 30 – 30= 0

  • Benefits days counter = 1 day (exact number of calendar days with sickness)

Note: If the absence day is a relapse day or is the last day of an absence that started in the previous month, the Social Security report shows 30 contributed days in the healthy segment (worked segment) but also shows another segment, called the DAT segment, to reflect the compensation (reduction related to Pago Delgado). The system cannot show more than 30 contributed days (sum of the healthy and sick segments) in the report. If such a case occurs, you cannot manage the discount in the FAN file. Your company instead needs to ask for reimbursement of that amount from Social Security. No direct way is available to discount that one day with Pago Delgado from Social Security.

If an absence due to sickness starts the last day of the month with 28 calendar days for an employee with a daily salary basis:

  • The system calculates 27 days for the healthy days segment of the employee's Social Security contribution base and 3 days for the sick days segment.

  • The system calculates the Social Security Benefit counter as 1 day.

Non Social Security Absences

For Non Social Security absences (strike, leave own matters unpaid or other unpaid absences) or unpaid absences, there will be neither Social Security benefits nor complementary benefits. These days will not be counted. Thus: Number of Workdays = Days by Frequency – Absence Days If there is non social security absences or unpaid absences, use Absence Type: NSS ‘Non Social Security Absence’ and the AUS FM DIAS NSS formula instead of AUS FM DIAS. For example, if an employee strike for one day in the month of January, system will compute 1 day of absence (strike) and 29 working days, so therefore it will pay just 29 days. Adjustment is done in the worked days.


If an employee with a monthly salary go for a one day strike in the month of January:

 Days by frequency = 30 (just for being a monthly employee and active the whole month)

 Absence days counter= 1 (exact number of non-working days)

 Workdays Counter = Days by frequency - absence days= 30-1= 29