Calculating Amount Earnings

This section discusses:

  • Flat amounts.

  • Formula-based amounts.

For Hong Kong, there are eight earnings with the calculation rule Amount. Two are flat amounts:

  • Meal allowance (MEAL).

  • Mobile and pager (MOBILE).

The housing allowance uses the ALW FM HOUSING formula to find the earning amount that stores the salary grade and the corresponding housing allowance amount.

The gratuity earnings use the formula OE FM CNTR EXPIRE to determine whether the contract dates occur during the current pay period and use segment begin and end dates so that the earnings are not paid twice in period segmentation.

The termination earnings use formula OE FM ROLL AVG to calculate the rolling average amount. The formula calls a historical rule to retrieve the amount from an accumulator. The formula then calculates the average from the amount retrieved.

The severance and long service leave earnings use formula TER FM LSP PAYMT to return the severance payment or long service payment, depending on the year of service and the action reason.