Calculating Maternity Leave

This section provides an overview of maternity leave and discusses how to calculate maternity leave.

The following rules are delivered as customary data for maternity leave:

  • Employees are eligible if they worked no less than 40 weeks.

  • A maximum of 14 weeks of paid maternity leave is granted, and this includes an additional maternity period of 4 weeks, if eligible.

    Alternative holiday is not granted if statutory or public holidays occur during the maternity period.

  • The 4 weeks additional maternity pay is capped to $80,000.

  • Statutory employees receive 80 percent of the average earning, and general employees receive 100 percent of the basic salary.

  • Employees cannot take a half-day of maternity leave.

The maternity leave entitlement MLV MAT ENT is delivered for all employees and is granted when the leave occurs (per absence). The PAID maternity period is 98 days from the maternity commencement date. Absence periods longer than 98 days are considered LWOP.

The maternity leave calculation resolves as follows, using the MLV FM MAT ENT and MLV FM RESOLVE ENT formulas:

  1. The date MLV DT ELIG (maternity eligible date), in conjunction with the ABSENCE DATE, specifies the date that must be reached before the maternity absence can be paid.

    The date is 40 weeks after the hire date (service date SERVICE DT). If the date of the absence is earlier than the maternity eligible date, no payment is made.

  2. The formula MLV FM MAT ENT returns 1 if the employee has reached the maternity eligible date.

  3. The conditional resolution formula MLV FM RESOLVE ENT resolves if the absence date is fewer than 98 days and does not resolve to use the existing entitlement balance.

    The formula returns one SCHED HRS entitlement for each absence date.

    Because there is always no entitlement balance for maternity, the required entitlement units of maternity leave longer than 98 days are considered LWOP.

  4. The formula MLV LVE PAY (Maternity Leave Earning handles the $80000 capping for additional maternity leave pay.

  5. The formula MLV FM RESOLVE ENT uses duration MLV DR MAT to determine the duration in days between the absence begin date and absence date.

    It determines if the maternity absence date is paid or unpaid.

  6. The take MLV STAT TKE generates the earning element DY WAGE 80 for statutory employees, which calculates 80 percent of the employee's average earning.

    The earning element uses formula CM FM DAILY WAGE to return the employee's daily wage, which is calculated by the formula OE FM ROLL AVG. For general employees, MLV GENL TKE, no positive input is generated because the employees are paid 100 percent of basic salary.

  7. The absence day formula CM FM TKE UNIT evaluates each day of the absence event.

    The required entitlement units (either 1 or 1/2) of each absence date are returned and compared with the beginning entitlement balance to calculate the paid and unpaid units. If PARTIAL HOURS is greater than half of SCHED HRS, it is treated as a one-day leave of absence.