Calculating Sick Leave

This section provides an overview of sick leave and discusses how to calculate sick leave payments.

One sick leave entitlement SLV SICK ENT (formula SLV FM ENT) for both general and statutory employees is delivered as customary data. The sick leave balance is always carried over to the next period, but the balance cannot exceed 120 days.

Statutory Employees

The employer should pay statutory employees sickness allowance if the employee takes sick leave of no less than four consecutive days. Only a percentage of the employee's daily wage is paid. Uncertified sick leave or zero balance sick entitlement is considered LWOP. To pay sick leave for statutory employees, also use the DY WAGE 80 earning element and take SLV STAT TKE.

General Employees

Employees can take half or more days of paid sickness only when they have enough balance. For an approved sickness, they receive 100 percent of their normal daily wages. Uncertified sick leave or zero balance sick entitlement is considered LWOP. To pay sick leave for general employees, also use the take SLV GENL TKE.

The formula SLV FM ENT returns sick leave entitlement if the employee is not terminated during the pay period. When the employee is terminated during the pay period, the formula returns either zero or the SLV BR ENT bracket value, which eventually returns the monthly sick entitlement (two or four days) to the terminated employee.

The SLV FM ENT formula resolves as follows:

  1. The bracket SLV BR ENT stores the monthly sick entitlement.

    The system checks the bracket and attempts to resolve the sick entitlement. The prorated entitlement is not returned, but the lower is returned from the bracket. For example, 1.9 months of service returns 2 from the bracket. Sick leave accrual is run on each pay period and during the accrual process.

  2. The adjustment formula SLV FM ADJUST adjusts the exceeded sick leave balance when it reaches 120 days.

    It evaluates the system element ABS END ENTL BAL if it is greater than 120, then returns the exceeded unit to offset the sick leave balance.

  3. The formula SLV FM PREV ACCM returns the system element PREV VALUE ACCM, which stores the value of the old accumulator.

    This formula is used in the accumulator initialization to bring the old balance to the new accumulator.

  4. The formula SLV FM ENT returns sick leave entitlement if the employee is not terminated during the pay period.

    When termination occurs during the pay period, the formula returns either zero or the SLV BR ENT bracket value, which eventually returns the monthly sick entitlement (two or four days) to the terminated employee.

  5. The absence day formula CM FM TKE UNIT evaluates each day of the absence event.

    The required entitlement units (either 1 or 1/2) of each absence date are returned and compared with the beginning entitlement balance to calculate the paid and unpaid units. If PARTIAL HOURS is greater than half of SCHED HRS, it is treated as a one-day leave of absence.

  6. For statutory employees, take SLV STAT TKE generates the earning element DY WAGE 80 for every paid sick leave, which calculates 80 percent of the employee's average earning.

    The earning element uses formula CM FM DAILY WAGE to return the employee's daily wage, which is calculated by the formula OE FM ROLL AVG.