Entering Additional Information for Other Features

The following additional pages are used specifically for set up required for Global Payroll Hong Kong. They are documented in full in their respective sections as shown in the following list:

  • IR56 Report Data HKG; Setting Up Inland Revenue Reports.

  • Tax Reference Number Dtls HKG; Setting Up Inland Revenue Reports.

  • IR56 Exchange Rate Defn HKG; Setting Up Inland Revenue Reports.

  • Define IR56B/M Controls HKG; Setting Up Inland Revenue Reports.

  • Overseas Concern Details HKG; Setting Up Inland Revenue Reports.

  • Source Bank Accounts HKG; Running Banking and Recipient Processing.

  • Deduction Recipients HKG; Running Banking and Recipient Processing.

  • Link to Pay Group HKG; Setting Up Payslips.

  • Templates HKG; Setting Up Payslips.

  • Messages HKG ; Setting Up Payslips.