Running Inland Revenue Reports

There are several statutory reports that you must generate to comply with Hong Kong legislative payroll requirements. The data creation process must be run before running these reports.

  • The IR56B is an annual report generated for tax declaration purposes. A summary of the earnings and deductions for each employee is reported in a predetermined format. The information is also generated in a predetermined electronic file format and submitted electronically.

  • The IR56M is a report of candidates, other than employees, who received remuneration at a period in time (for a given tax year) and are about to cease employment in a given period of time.

  • The IR56G is a report on employees who are about to depart from Hong Kong. All tax liabilities are to be settled before the employee's departure.

  • The IR56F is a report of employees who are about to cease employment in a given period of time. You are not required to submit the report if a terminated employee is about to depart Hong Kong. Instead, you should submit an IR56G report.

  • The IR56E is a report that lists employees who have joined the organization in a given period of time. It must be sent within three months from the date of commencement of employment.

Note: As companies are split into multiple pay entities, the reports display the company name and not the pay entity name. For example, the company name could be Brentworth Holdings and incorporate the following pay entities—Brentworth Holdings Aeronauticals Ltd., Brentworth Holdings Catering Ltd., and Brentworth Holdings Aviation Services. The IR56 report displays Brentworth Holdings as the reporting name.

Page Name

Definition Name


IR56B Report HKG Page


Generate the IR56B (GPHK0001) — Employer's Return of Remuneration and Pensions report.

IR56M Report HKG Page


Generate the IR56M (GPHK0002) — Notification of remuneration paid to persons other than an employee report.

IR56E Report HKG Page


Generate the IR56E — Notification by Employer of an Employee commencing work report.

IR56F Report HKG Page


Generate the IR56F — Notification by Employer of an Employee about to cease employment report.

IR56G Report HKG Page


Generate the IR56G — Notification by Employer of an Employee about to depart Hong Kong report.