Understanding Payslips

The design of the payslip feature enables you to create and control payslips so that they display the data that you want and in the format that you want. You can override templates at lower levels, so you do not have to create multiple templates to cover every payslip scenario that you may have.

The PeopleSoft system delivers a query that you can run to view the names of all delivered elements designed for Hong Kong. Instructions for running the query are provided in PeopleSoft HCM: Global Payroll.

The Payslip page launches a Job (GPKKPYSL) containing two processes in sequence:

  1. The Structured Query Report (SQR) GPHKPY01 prints the payslip report and provides self service related information for ePay if ePay is licensed.

  2. The GP_EPAY Application Engine process uses the payslip report and self service related information provided by the prior processes in this job to create self-service payslips for each payee.

    If ePay is not licensed, this process will report that ePay has not been licensed and will complete with success.