Entering and Processing Retirement Allowances

This section discusses how to enter and process retirement allowances. When the system processes a retirement allowance, it automatically calculates the related income tax and inhabitant tax, based on information entered on the Maintain Ret Allow Data JPN page.

To enter processing instructions:

  1. Create a calendar for an off-cycle run, using the following settings:

    • Payee Selection = All Payees with....

    • Additional Criteria = Positive Input.

  2. Create an off-cycle request that specifies which employees are to receive a retirement allowance and the amount of each allowance:

    1. Access the Off Cycle Requests component (GP_OFFCYCLE_SETUP) for the appropriate pay group and target period.

    2. On the Main page, enter a description and payment date.

    3. On the Unscheduled Payments page: Period tab, enter a row for each employee who is to receive a retirement allowance.

    4. On the Unscheduled Payments page: Associated Data (Links) tab, click the P.I. for Target Calendar link to access an employee's Positive Input page.

    5. On the Positive Input page: Action tab, select the delivered earning element for retirement allowance, ER RET ALW, and select an action type of Override.

      Note: If you modified the accumulator ER AC RET CUST ERN to include earnings in addition to ER RET ALW, enter the amounts for those earnings elements as well, if applicable.

    6. On the Positive Input page: Main Components tab, enter the amount of the retirement allowance for ER RET ALW.

    7. Repeat step d through f for each employee that is to receive a retirement allowance.

  3. Create an off-cycle calendar group using the Calendar Group component (GP_CALENDAR_RUN).

    When creating the off-cycle calendar group, select the Off cycle check box and specify the pay group, period ID, and off-cycle group to process.

  4. Run the process.

    Use the Payroll/Absence Run Control page to run the off-cycle process.