Printing the Dependent Deduction Report and Insurance and Spouse Special Deduction Reports

This section provides an overview of the Dependent Deduction report and Insurance and Spouse Special Deduction reports and lists common elements.

Page Name

Definition Name


Report YEA Dependent Ded JPN Page


Run the Dependent Report YEA (GPJPYE04). For manual data collection, print the report and distribute it to employees for review and update. For self-service data collection, print the report for record-keeping purposes after employees have updated their data in the ePay and eProfile transactions.

Report YEA Ins and Spous JPN Page


Run the YEA - Ins and Spouse report (GPJPYE05). For manual data collection, print the report and distribute it to employees for review and update. For self-service data collection, print the report for record-keeping purposes after employees have updated their data in the ePay transaction.

Payee List Page


Select individual employees to report. Do not use this page in conjunction with other employee selection criteria.

The data collection method that you use determines when you run these reports and what they contain.

Data Collection Through Printed Reports

Use these reports to collect the data that you later enter into the system manually:

  • Dependent Deduction report.

    This report prints the current employee and dependent information, which the employee can modify if a correction or update is needed.

  • Insurance and Spouse Special Deduction report.

    This report prints the basic employee information only.

For record-keeping purposes, you can retain the reports that are submitted by employees.

Self-Service Data Collection

With self-service data collection, you can print the reports for record-keeping purposes after employees have updated their data. The reports gather data from the tables on which the self-service data is stored in the system.

Field or Control


Print Options

Select the Print Bus (business) Unit and Location check box to print the business unit and location on the report. This information appears at the bottom of the report.

Sort Order

Select the sort order in which you want the report to print. Options include Business Unit, Location Code, Department, and Supervisor Level ID.

Use the Report YEA Dependent Ded JPN (report year-end adjustment dependent deduction Japan) page (GPJP_RC_YEA04) to run the Dependent Report YEA (GPJPYE04).

For manual data collection, print the report and distribute it to employees for review and update. For self-service data collection, print the report for record-keeping purposes after employees have updated their data in the ePay and eProfile transactions.


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt > Year-End Processing > Report YEA Dependent Ded JPN > Report YEA Dependent Ded JPN

Field or Control


Object Year

This field determines the date for which report data is retrieved. The Dependent Deduction report is based on information as of the last day of the object year. So if you enter 2004 in this field, the report is based on data that was in effect on December 31, 2004.

The exception to this rule is the payee's address, which is retrieved as of the first date of the object year. So if the object year is 2004, the as of date for the address is January 1, 2004.

Use the Report YEA Ins and Spous JPN (report year-end adjustment insurance and spouse Japan ) page (GPJP_RC_YEA05) to run the YEA - Ins and Spouse report (GPJPYE05).

For manual data collection, print the report and distribute it to employees for review and update. For self-service data collection, print the report for record-keeping purposes after employees have updated their data in the ePay transaction.


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt > Year-End Processing > Report YEA Ins and Spouse JPN > Report YEA Ins and Spous JPN

Field or Control


Object Year

If ePay is not installed, this field determines the date for which report data is retrieved. The Insurance and Spouse Special Deduction report is based on information as of the last day of the object year. So if you enter 2004 in this field, the report is based on data that was in effect on December 31, 2004.

If ePay is installed, the system uses the date that is entered in the As of Date field on the Year End Adjustment Self Service Setup page to retrieve data for the report.

YEA Status

This group box appears only if ePay is installed. Select the appropriate status for the year-end adjustment: Submitted, Approved, or Sent to Payroll.