Setting Up Banking

Setting up banking involves entering three categories of information on up to 11 pages. The setup involves:

  • Identifying banks, branches, and accounts for your company and payees.

  • Identifying source banks and defining the level of funding.

  • Identifying transfer banks and scheduling disbursements.

    Employees can specify percentage or amount disbursements to any number of bank accounts for each payment type (salary or bonus).

Banking setup steps are documented fully in the "Understanding Banking" topic of the core PeopleSoft Global Payroll. However, there are some details about following these steps that are important for banking in Japan.

Page Name



Bank Table

AC Bank Name (alternate character bank name).

Enter the bank name in single-byte Katakana format.

Bank Branch Table

Branch Information group box.

Specify a branch for every source bank and transfer bank that you set up. The EFT process halts with an error message when it encounters a net payment that does not have a branch associated with it.

Bank Branch Table

AC Branch Name (alternate character branch name).

Enter the branch name in single-byte Katakana format.

Source Bank Accounts

AC Account Name (alternate character account name).

Enter the bank account name in single-byte Katakana format.

Source Bank Accounts

Other Required Information.

Click this link to access the Japan Bank Additional Data page, where you must enter the company code and account type. If you leave the Account Type field blank, the EFT process supplies the Regular value.

Bank Account Information

AC Account Name (alternate character account name).

The default value is the alternate character name from the AC Name field on the Personal Data page.

Note: All alternate character (AC) fields appear only if you enabled AC functionality on the Organization Defaults by Permission List page.