Common Elements Used to Set Up Insurance, Taxes, and Payslip

Field or Control


Object Year

Generally refers to the year for which you want to run a process or report. Sometimes the object year is not a calendar year, as in the case of labor insurance (April 1 of the previous year through March 31 of the object year) and inhabitant tax (June 1 of the object year through May 31 of the following year).

Tax Establishment

A company or a sub-organization of a company, such as a local office, that is responsible to collect (deduct) income and inhabitant tax from employees and to pay the tax to the income tax agency and municipalities.

Salary Payer

A salary payer is defined as a tax establishment.

Salary Payer Reference Number

The number assigned to the salary payer by the income tax agency.

Taxpayer Specification Number

The number assigned to the salary payer by the municipality.

Labor Insurance Establishment

A company or a sub-organization of a company, such as a local office, that is responsible to collect (deduct) labor insurance premiums from employees and to pay the premiums to the labor insurance agencies.

Social Insurance Establishment

A company or a sub-organization of a company, such as a local office, that is responsible to collect (deduct) social insurance premiums from employees and to pay the premiums to the social insurance agencies.