Setting Up Termination Versions

To define termination versions, use the Terminations (GPAR_TERM_ACTN_RSN) component.

This topic provides an overview of termination versions and discusses how to define termination versions.

Page Name

Definition Name


Termination Versions Page


Define termination versions and the qualifying actions and reasons for triggering termination pay.

Earnings/Deductions Page


Associate earnings and deductions with a corresponding termination version.

Global Payroll for Argentina groups the qualifying actions and reasons for making termination payments into termination versions. Different termination action and reason combinations trigger different sets of special termination earnings and deductions. To define termination versions and then trigger the payments associated with a termination version, you must do the following:

  1. Define your termination versions on the Termination Versions page.

  2. On the same page, define the associated actions/reasons that will trigger payment.

    Termination versions are the combinations of actions/reasons that cause a group of termination earnings or deductions to be processed.

  3. On the Earning/Deductions page, associate each earning or deduction with a corresponding termination version.

  4. On the Job Data pages in PeopleSoft HR, specify termination actions such as Termination, Completion, or Layoff as the action and enter a corresponding reason.

    When you specify a termination action as the action in combination with a qualifying reason, termination pay will be processed for the terminated or laid off employees—as long as the termination or layoff action/reason combination is recognized, by generation control, as valid for triggering termination payments.

Use the Termination Versions page (GPAR_TERM_ACTN_RSN) to define termination versions and the qualifying actions and reasons for triggering termination pay.


Set Up HCM > Product Related > Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt > Terminations > Terminations ARG > Termination Versions

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Termination Versions page.

Termination Versions page

Note: (For terminations by common agreement) Global Payroll for Argentina delivers a termination reason (Termination by Common Agreement) and (Term by Common Agreement) to support terminations that are mutually agreed by employers and employees.

Field or Control


Termination Version

Displays the name of the termination version you are defining.

Version - Action/Reason Definition

Use the fields in the Version - Action/Reason group box to define the termination action/reason combinations that make up the termination version.

Note: A single termination version can consist of many different action/reason combinations—as long as all the combinations trigger the same set of termination earnings or deductions.

Field or Control



Specify the action that triggers termination pay in combination with a specific reason. Values are:

COM (Completion)

LOF (Layoff)

TER (Termination)

TWB (Terminated with Benefits)

TWP (Terminated with Pay)

Reason Code

Specify the reason that triggers termination pay in combination with a specified action. Values for each action are:

  • For COM Action: BMC (Board Member Term Completed), DEA (Death), DIS (Disability), EOA (End of Assignment), INV (Involuntary), RED (Staff Reduction), RET (Retirement), UNS (Unsatisfactory Performance), and VOL (Voluntary).

  • For LOF Action: RED (Staff Reduction), SEA (Seasonal Closure), SLO (Strike/Lock-out), and TMP (Temporary Closure).

  • For TER Action: ATC (Agreed Term. of Apprent of CDD), ATT (Attendance), BNK (Employer Bankruptcy), CDE (Closing Down of Establishment), CHI (Child/House Care), CIT (Completion of Int Cpny Trans), CON (Misconduct), DEA (Death), DIS (Dishonesty), DSC (Discharge), EAB (Employer's Anticipated Breach), EAC (End of Apprenticeship Contract), EES (Dissatisfied w/Fellow Employee), EFT (End of Fixed-Term Contract), ELI (Elimination of Position), EOD (End of Demand), EPP (Employer's End Probation Time), ERT (Early Retirement), FAM (Family Reasons), FRE (End Foreign Employment AUS), GMI (Gross Misconduct), HEA (Health Reasons), HRS (Dissatisfied with Hours), ILL (Illness in Family), INS (Insubordination), JOB (Job Abandonment), LOC (Dissatisfied with Location), LTC (Legal Termination of Contract), LVE (Failure to Return from Leave), MAR (Marriage), MIS (Misstatement on Application), MUT (Mutual Consent), OBS (Become Self-Employed), OTP (Resignation-Other Position), PAB (Payee's Anticipated Breach), PAY (Dissatisfied with Pay), PCD (Premises Closed), PER (Personal Reasons), PIT (Permanent Int Cpny Transfer), POL (Dissatisfied w/Comp. Policies), PPO (Pension Payee Off), PPP (Payee's End Probation Time), PRM (Dissatisfied w/Promotion Opps), PTD (Partial/Total Disability), RAT (Retired from Affiliate), RED (Staff Reduction), REF (Refused Transfer), REL (Relocation), RES (Resignation), RET (Return to School), RKM (Release Kenmu), RLS (Release), RWU (Receivership or Wind-Up), SUP (Dissatisfied with Supervision), TAF (Transfer to Affiliate), TAR (Tardiness), TMP (End Temporary Employment), TRA (Transportation Problems), TYP (Dissatisfied w/Type of Work), UFC (Unforeseen Circumstances), UNS (Unsatisfactory Performance), VIO (Violation of Rules), VSP (Voluntary Separation Program), and WOR (Dissatisfied w/Work Conditions).

  • For TWB Action: TWB (Terminated With Benefits).

  • For TWP Action: TWP (Termination With Pay).

Termination Reason

Select an applicable termination reason. This information is used in some Argentina reports.

Available options are:

  • Closing Down of Establishment

  • Compulsory Retirement

  • Contract Termination

  • Death

  • Death by Professional Sickness

  • Death by Work Related Accident

  • Employee Decision Fair Cause

  • Employee Decision Unfair Cause

  • Employer Decision Unfair Cause

  • Employer Unfair Cause — Double

    Note: It is possible to pay Double compensation amounts for Terminations without reason by using the Termination reason Employer Unfair Cause – Double in combination with the post process formula BAJ FM DOB COMPEN.

  • Employer’s Ant Breach — Fair

  • Employer’s Ant Breach — Unfair

  • Indirect Termination

  • Major Causes

  • Mutual Fault

  • Other Cause

  • Payee’s Anticipated Breach

  • Ret. by Serv Time / Contract Ter

  • Ret. with Continued Employment

  • Retire by Disability, Sickness

  • Retire by Disability, Work Acc

  • Retirement by Age

  • Retirement by Service Time

  • Transfer Reform for Reserves

  • Transfer with Onus

  • Transfer without Onus

  • Work Regime Change

Use the Earnings/Deductions page (GPAR_TERM_VERSION) to associate earnings and deductions with a corresponding termination version.


Set Up HCM > Product Related > Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt > Terminations > Terminations ARG > Earnings/Deductions

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Earnings/Deductions page.

Earnings or Deductions page

Field or Control


Entry Type

Select whether you are entering an Earnings or a Deduction element.

Element Name

Select the element to associate with this termination version.