Identifying Company Tax Details

To set up identification of company tax details, use the Tax Number Table MYS (GPMY_TAX_TBL) and Statutory Region Table MYS (GPMY_STAT_REG) components.

This section discusses how to identify company tax details.

Page Name

Definition Name


Default Settings Page


Set up default company information; for example, the Malaysian reference and registration numbers that are used by various statutory reports.

Statutory Region Table MYS Page


Maintain statutory regional information for EPF, SOCSO, and taxation reporting.

Tax Number Table MYS Page


Maintain employer contact information for tax reporting.

Tax Data Page


Associate a tax reference number with an organizational unit, such as a company, pay group, location, establishment, or department.

Tax Reference Number Details Page


View employer details that are associated with the tax reference number.

Use the Default Settings page (COMPANY_TABLE2) to set up default company information; for example, the Malaysian reference and registration numbers that are used by various statutory reports.


Set Up HCM > Foundation Tables > Organization > Company > Default Settings

Field or Control


Reference Number

Enter the company reference number, which is a number that the government of Malaysia assigns to an organization to uniquely identify it. This number is also the Company C File Number. This number is used in Annual Statement of Tax Deductions - Malaysian CP159 report (GPMYTX05).

Registration Number

Enter the Company Registration Number, which is a number that the government of Malaysia assigns to an organization to uniquely identify it. The Registration Number is used in CP39 Monthly Statement of Tax Deductions - Electronic form (GPMYTX04).

Use the Statutory Region Table MYS page (GPMY_STAT_REG) to maintain statutory regional information for EPF, SOCSO, and taxation reporting.


Set Up HCM > Product Related > Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt > Framework > Organizational > Statutory Region Table MYS > Statutory Region Table MYS

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Statutory Region Table MYS page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Statutory Region Table MYS page

Field or Control


Statutory Region

Enter the statutory region. This region is reported on the following forms: EPF Form 6, SOCSO Form 8A, SOCSO Form 8B, CP39 Monthly Statement of Tax Deductions - Electronic form, and Employee Tax Refund Form - Malaysian CP159A/PCB2(II).

Use the Tax Number Table MYS page (GPMY_TAX_TBL) to maintain employer contact information for tax reporting.


Set Up HCM > Product Related > Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt > Taxes > Tax Number Table MYS > Tax Number Table MYS

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Tax Number Table page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Tax Number Table page

Field or Control


Registered Name

Enter the employer's official name.


Enter the employer's address.

Responsible ID

Enter the employee ID of the organization's tax contact.


Enter the name of the organization's contact person for taxation inquiries. This name appears as the company contact in all reports that are submitted to the Department of Inland Revenue.

National ID

Enter the contact person's national ID.

Job Title

Enter the job title of the company contact for taxation inquiries. This information appears in all the reports that are submitted to the Department of Inland Revenue.

Telephone and Fax

Enter the telephone and fax number of the company contact for taxation inquiries. This information appears in all reports that are submitted to the Department of Inland Revenue.

Use the Tax Data page (GPMY_TAX_ORG_NBR) to associate a tax reference number with an organizational unit, such as a company, pay group, location, establishment, or department.


Set Up HCM > Product Related > Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt > Framework > Organizational > Organization Numbers MYS > Tax Data

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Tax Data page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Tax Data page

Field or Control


Organizational Link Option

Select an organizational link. Options are: Company, Pay Group, Location, Establishment, and Department.

Load All Units

Click to insert a list of all possible organizational units into the organization link list. You can then specify the tax references number for each unit.

Effective Date and Status

Enter the effective date and status of the organization link. If the organizational link option changes, all the organizational units are deleted and all existing organizational link options become inactive.


Click to view the Tax Reference Number Details page, which displays the employer details that are associated with the tax number.