Maternity Leave Calculation

All female employees are entitled to 60 consecutive days of maternity leave.

The maternity leave entitlement MAT LVE ENT uses the formula MAT FM GC ELIG to maintain and calculate maternity leave that employees take. The calculation is based on per absence days. The absence take MAT LV TAKE maintains the total days for maternity. Employees can earn maternity as paid leave provided that they complete their probation period. The probation period is calculated as 180 days of service from the date of joining. An employee is allowed a maximum of 60 days of leave, which is controlled by the variable MAT VR ENT. A maximum of 60 days of leave is granted with full pay. If the absence day count is greater than 60 days, the days reduce the annual leave (if any is available) before they become unpaid leave.

The formula MAT FM GC ELIG determines whether an employee is eligible for claiming maternity leave. The determination is based on the completion of 180 days of service within the company. If the probation period is not completed, the day take results in unpaid leave. If the ABSENCE DATE is less than the maternity leave eligibility date (date LVE DT MATLVEDT), the formula does not resolve.