Paying Festive Advance Payments in Global Payroll

For you to pay the festive advances using Global Payroll, earnings elements are provided for each of the festive advance holiday types (Chinese New Year, Christmas, Deepavali, and Hari Raya). The value of the earnings all come from positive input. You specify the earnings elements to use for payment of the festive advances on the Festive Advance Pay Program page in HR. To ensure that you select appropriate earnings on this page, the system enables you to select only earnings with the category of FA (festive advance). All the elements created use this category. Separate earnings are provided for paying advances for each of the festive advance types, and they are all set up identically.

Each of the festive advances (earnings) uses the FAD FM ADVANCE post-processing formula. Whenever an advance is paid, the formula adjusts the advance accumulator so that it contains only the latest advance amount that was paid to the employee. The current value of the accumulator FAD AC ADV AMT is moved to variable FAD VR ADV CLR, which subtracts from the accumulator. This effectively erases its current value.

The following festive advance earnings add to the FAD AC ADV AMT accumulator:

  • CNY ER ADV (Chinese New Year advances).

  • DEEPA ER ADV (Deepavali advances).

  • XMAS ER ADV (Christmas advances).

  • HARIRAYA ADV (Hari Raya advances).