Understanding the Payslip Process

The payslip run control page launches the following procedure:

  1. The calendar group ID is selected from the Run Control table.

  2. The system reads the reprint selections from the Run Control table.

    If both the department and location fields are blank, the system reads the payee selection option. If it contains the value 20 and a payee list exists, then the system reads it into memory.

  3. The system selects the pay groups from the PS_GP_CAL_RUN_DTL table based on the calendar group ID.

  4. The three sort keys are read from the PS_GPMY_PSLP record.

    These values are used to determine the sort order by creating the order by clause in the main SQL loop. If no sort order is selected, the default sort sequence is used. It sorts by employee name.

  5. The system retrieves the delivery option field from the GPMY_PSLP table based on the payslip ID.

  6. The exclusion flag is read at this time.

    If it is set to location, the location secondary record is read to build the SQL by creating a not in list. If the flag is set to department, the same applies by reading the department secondary record.

  7. The system formats the payment details and prints them in the header for each payee by reading the payslip self-service view GPMY_SS_PSLP_VW.

    The view retrieves all the personal data, job data, and compensation information that the system needs to format and print.

  8. For each payee that is selected, the system checks the payee Override table GPMY_PSLP_PYE to determine whether an override of the delivery address is made.

    If so, the system retrieves the address based on the override value. Otherwise, the default is used.

  9. Based on the template ID, the system retrieves the column labels from the GPMY_PSLP table to obtain the most recent effective-dated row, and it formats and prints the labels.

    The following fields are retrieved:







      These values are then printed across the printed payslip. The accumulator values are retrieved by using the view GPMY_PSLP_AC_VW. The view retrieves the accumulator values (GPMY_ACUM_VAL1, and so on) and the description label field DESCR, which is printed to the left of the accumulator values.

  10. Based on the template ID, the system retrieves the payslip sections from the GPMY_PSLP_HDR record for the most recent effective-dated row.

    The rows of data that are retrieved from the payslip header table are based on the sequence number in ascending order. The system retrieves the description of each section at this time and then formats and prints the descriptions. For each row that is retrieved from the payslip header table for the current payslip ID, the fields SEQ_NUM and DESCR are retrieved. The description value is printed to provide the description title. Based on the keys of the payslip ID, the sequence number and the effective date, the system can retrieve the element details from the payslip detail record. For each section that is entered, the SQL view GPMY_PSLP_ED_VW retrieves the element details. For each element that is retrieved, the system checks the description field. If the value is C, then the system uses the custom description value for printing. Otherwise, the description is taken from the PS_GP_PIN table. The rate, hour amount, year-to-date hours, and year-to-date amount are printed by extracting the data by using the view GPMY_PSLP_ED_VW.

  11. The system prints the disbursement details.

    Using the SQL view GPMY_PSLP_ND, the system extracts the disbursement details and formats and prints them across the page. The details that are printed are bank, BSB (Bank State Branch), account number, and amount. If a payment is made that is not an electronic funds transfer, only the disbursed amount is printed.

  12. The system formats and prints the payee message.

    The rules in the payroll calculation determine whether a message is necessary for the payee.