Integrating Overtime Pay to the Variable SDI Base

For social security base purposes, overtime is divided into three categories:

  • Non-integrating overtime.

    This is the total of overtime hours per week that are calculated as double. This overtime has a limit of no more than 3 hours a day and 3 times a week according to the parameters defined on the Overtime Parameters page.

  • Integrating overtime beyond three hours a day.

    These hours are paid as double and will integrate 100 percent to the variable SDI base.

  • Integrating overtime beyond nine hours a week.

    These hours are paid as triple and will integrate 100 percent to the variable SDI base.

The system calculates overtime in this way:

  1. Determines all the number of hours that fall in each of these categories.

  2. Calculates the amount per hour according to the daily salary.

  3. Multiplies the rate per hour that results for the hours in each category.