Calculating Accrued Salary, Bonus and GST

The following earnings (contained in the EARNINGS-GLI section) are provided to calculate the current value of leave entitlements. They are all for use by the GL only and should not add to gross or net accumulators. The earnings are not paid but are used for general ledger interface reporting of annual leave liability and their reversal of liabilities on termination:

  • LIAB ANN DYS — This is the leave liability earning for the standard annual leave entitlement in days.

  • LIAB TER DYS — This is the leave liability earning used for reversing the liability on termination.

  • SAL ACCRUAL — This is the salary accrual earning used to accrue a percentage of earnings. For reporting accrued salary where the pay period end is earlier than the financial period. You decide what percentage to accrue using GLI VR ACCRUAL PCT.

  • GST — In Singapore GST is aggregated for certain earnings and deductions and interfaced to GL. You can set up a GST percentage and then select the earning and/or deduction codes that the GST percentage would be calculated on. This is the GST aggregated for certain earnings and deductions.

  • BON ACCRUAL — In Singapore, there are two types of bonus paid to employees as an added incentive—contractual and non-contractual. This is the bonus accrual earning used to accrue a percentage of a contractual bonus.

  • BONUS ACCRL — In Singapore, there are two types of bonus paid to employees as an added incentive—contractual and non-contractual. This is the bonus accrual earning used to accrue a percentage of a non-contractual bonus.

Note: If the end date of the last pay period in a month is before the end of the accounting period, you can send a percentage of total salary as the accrued costing for the "gap" between the two dates. The value sent to GL is reversed by the Financials system the following month and replaced by actual costing.