Creating IR21 and Appendix 1 Forms

This topic provides an overview of IR21 and Appendix 1 forms.

Page Name

Definition Name


Create IR21 Forms SGP Page


This program (SQRGPSGIR05) extracts data for the IR21 forms, using data that is already created by the IR8A/S creation process.

The IR21 and Appendix 1 Forms process (SQRGPSGIR05) extracts data for the IR21 forms, using data that is already created by the IR8A/IR8S creation process. The IR8A/IR8S process runs immediately before this. For each employee that you select, the system checks if IR8A data exists in the IR8A table for the current tax year. If the system locates values, it retrieves them from the IR8A table and transfers them to the IR21 table.

The IR21 Create process extracts data for terminated employees to populate the IR21, IR21 Appendix, and other required tables. Select the Recreate Forms check box if you want to recreate any forms by using the employee's previous year's data. The system deletes and then recreates two years of data. If you do not select the check box, the IR21 type changes to amended and the system processes only current data. The system checks the status before attempting to recreate.