Defining Payslip Templates

To define payslip templates, use the Define Payslip Templates (GP_PSLP_TMPL) component.

Page Name

Definition Name


Define Payslip Templates Page


Define the usage and additional attributes of payslip sections.

Blocks Page


Enter element group, address, or other information for the blocks of data in the section if the section requires this type of information.

Use the Define Payslip Templates page (GL_PSLP_TEMPL) to define the usage and additional attributes of payslip sections.


Set Up HCM > Product Related > Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt > Payslips > Define Payslip Templates > Define Payslip Templates

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Define Payslip Templates page.

Define Payslip Templates page

Field or Control


Page Type

Select the page size of the payslip. Valid values are Letter and A4.

The payslip program reads this setting to establish the page size when printing payslips.

Definition As of Date

Select the date on which the system is to retrieve the payslip template definition during a process run. Valid values are Calendar Period Begin, Calendar Period End, Payment Date, Process Begin Date, and Process End Date.


Field or Control


List Set

Enter the set of element groups to be used in this template. The prompt table for the list set shows sets created with the application type defined on the Global Payroll Country setup page.

Default Delivery Address

Select a default delivery address for the payslip in the event that the payee does not have a delivery option defined at the employee level on the Payee Options page. Valid values are Mailing Address, Home Address, Department Address, and Location Address.


Field or Control


Start Line

Define the page line number on which to place the section. This number also serves to determine the order of the sections. The sections is sorted in ascending start line order when the page is saved.

A dynamic section can grow beyond the start position of a subsequent section. This means that the start line may not be accurate for sections defined after a dynamic section. All sections defined after the first dynamic section have relative start positions, except for Footer type sections. The footer's start line is an absolute line position. Start lines are calculated or recalculated at save time for all sections that have Recalculate Start Line selected.


Enter the country associated with the section. The country of the template determines which sections can be selected. A country-specific template can include sections for that country as well as sections with a country identifier of ALL. However, a template country of ALL can include only sections defined with a country identifier of ALL.

For example, a template created for country FRA can include only sections for country FRA or ALL.


Enter sections to appear on the payslip. Only active sections for the country selected are available. A section cannot be used more than once in the same template.

Number of Lines

Displays the number of lines as defined on the Section definition page. This field is display-only.

Information icon(Information icon)

Select to view the comments entered on the Define Payslip Sections page. The comments cannot be edited on this page. If no comments exist for this section, the button is not visible.


Displays the style of the section. This field appears only when the section is defined as Static or Dynamic on the Define Payslip Section page. If the section is defined as Both, then choose either Static or Dynamic from the available options.

Note: A dynamic section can cause unexpected multiple pages to be produced. If every section needs to be in a specific location or the payslip cannot exceed one page, do not set any section to dynamic. When payslips are processed, static sections that have result data that does not fit inside the area of the section are summarized. The remaining numeric data values in the section are summed and the description of the summarized line is set to Other (translated).


Select a type to control whether a section is to be repeated on multiple pages. Valid values are Header, Body, and Footer. If a section is defined as a Header or Footer, you must set up the section differently when coding the payslip process program.

If a section is defined as a Header, it must be the first section in the template layout. If a section is defined as a Footer, it must be the last section in the template layout.

Sections that are headers or footers can have a style of Static only.

Recalculate Start Line

Select if you want the system to recalculate the start line of this section when a change is made to the template and the template is saved.

Recalculation establishes start lines using a formula that compares the number of lines in the section with the number of lines already used by previous sections.


Select to go to the Blocks secondary page. This link is visible only if the section has Define Block Content for Section selected in its section definition.


Select to go to the Section Definition page for the section. The country of the user determines whether the section page is opened in edit or display-only mode. An ALL country user can edit any country's section page. A specific country user can edit only his or her own country's section page, but can view an ALL country section page in display-only mode.

Use the Blocks page (GP_PSLP_TEMPL_SEC) to enter element group, address, or other information for the blocks of data in the section if the section requires this type of information.


Select the Details link on the Define Payslip Templates page.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Blocks page.

Blocks page

Note: Entering data on this page is optional and is a way for the functional user to communicate to the technical developer the type of information that should appear in the section on the printed payslip.

Field or Control


Block Number

Enter a number that is referenced in the payslip program section. Payroll administrators use block numbers to build payslips; therefore, the developer of the blocks should leave comments in the section definition for the administrator (visible from the template) to indicate which block numbers the developer coded and the content type of the blocks (element groups, addresses, and so on).

For instance, a developer might code block number 10 for earnings, 20 for deductions, and 30 for leave balances. The developer should indicate that these block numbers refer to these types of data.


Select a type to determine the block content that can be entered. Valid values are Element Group, Address, and Other.

Element Name, Address Type Code and Other

Depending on the type selected, enter the appropriate value.

If the type is Element Group, enter an element group name in the Element Name field.

If the type is Address, enter an address type in the Address Type Code field.

If the type is Other, enter free-form text in the Other field.


Displays the description of the element name if Element Name was selected as the type.

This table describes the content of the Blocks page based on the type entered:



Element Group

Displays element groups that are members of the list set selected at the template level.


Displays delivery location plus a list of address types defined in PeopleSoft HCM such as Home, Work, and Mailing Address.

If the block in the payslip program calls for an address, the address selected here is the address that appears in the block.

You must specify in the payslip program what address appears if the address selected in this block does not exist for the payee.


Free-form text specified for each section.