Resolving Errors and Warnings

This topic discusses:

  • Warning messages

  • Error messages

Note: In the following tables, %1 is a parameter that will be replaced by the name of the input/output file you specified on the run control page.

This table describes the warning messages that the EDI processes generate:



P6/P9 Warning : no empl rcd provided in works id for employee %1 - defaulting to 0.

A WorksID (employee ID) has been provided but does not include the employment record number.

The majority of employees have an employment record number of 0 (employees with multiple jobs are the exception). Consequently, if an employment record number is not specified as part of the WorksID an employment record number of 0 is assumed and this warning is generated.

P6/P9 Warning : employee %1 has multiple jobs - will only update empl rcd 0.

The employment record number is defaulted to 0 (because the WorksID does not provide the employment record number or the employee is matched on NI number only) and the employee has multiple jobs.

Only the job with an employment record number of 0 will be updated.

Warning: EDI file %1 already exists - processing continues.

A file already exists and is about to be overwritten.

For outgoing (P45, P46 and WNU) transactions only.

Note: Using an asterisk in the filename will prevent this problem.

P6/P9 Warning: The EDI file is flagged as a test file - no updates will be made.

The incoming P6 or P9 file has a test indicator in the header record.

When the process encounters a test indicator, then the file is treated as a trial run regardless of processing type (trial or final run) so that no updates will be made to employee data.

P6/P9 Warning: Over-riding run type to Trial Run instead of Final Run.

The incoming P6 or P9 file has a test indicator in the header record and the processing type is final run.

The processing type on the run control page (final run) is overridden so that no updates will be made to employee data.

Warning: Run control transaction type of %1 does not match file transaction of %2.

The transaction type on the EDI run control page doesn't match the transaction type specified in the BGM1 record of the incoming file.

For incoming (P6 and P9) transactions only.

Warning: Transaction types are compatible - processing continues.

This message occurs with the previous message.

Because P6, P6B, and P9 transactions all use the same structure if a user has specified the incorrect transaction type, then the incorrect transaction type is 'ignored' and processing continues.

P6/P9 Warning: Unhandled ATT2 record encountered (%1) - processing continues.

An ATT2 record is encountered for which there is no logic to process.

The ATT2 record should be reviewed to determine what the data is and if it is applicable. If it is, additional program logic will be required.

Note: You should log a case with the Global Support if this error occurs.

P6/P9 Warning: could not read total updates count (CNT1) record in EDI file.

The totals record (CNT1) either cannot be read or cannot be located. There is either a file structure issue or logic issue. The EDI process does not understand the structure of the file being processed.

You should log a case with the Global Support if this error occurs.

P6/P9 Warning : employee %1 (%2) surname does not match %3 - processing continues.

The P6/P9 process managed to match the payee on other details

No P14/P35 Declaration for Pay Entity (%1) for Tax Year (%2) - Totals may be Incorrect.

The P35 Checklist and Declaration group box on the Pay Entity Details page has not been completed.

This table describes the error messages that the EDI processes generate:



Error: Problem opening EDI file %1 - processing cancelled.

The file specified on the run control page cannot be opened for reading/writing. Check your file security.

Note: This error may be caused by the process scheduler not having correct permissions to access the file. Process scheduler permissions against (any) path information in the setup should be checked.

Error: Cannot find EDI file %1 - processing cancelled.

The file specified on the EDI run control page doesn't exist (applies to incoming transactions only - P6 and P9).

Error: EDI transaction type (%1) is not a %2 - processing cancelled.

The transaction type indicator in the BGM1 record (incoming file) doesn't match the transaction type specified on the EDI run control page.

Note: If the transaction type is equivalent (the file structure is the same), then processing continues with a warning.

Error: File PAYE ref (%1) mismatch with pay entity PAYE ref (%2) - processing cancelled.

The PAYE reference in the ATT1 record doesn't match the PAYE reference for the pay entity specified on the EDI run control page.

Error: File tax office ref (%1) mismatch with pay entity tax office ref (%2) - processing cancelled.

The Tax office reference in the ATT1 record doesn't match the Tax office reference for the pay entity specified on the EDI run control page.

Error: Problem loading %1 structure definition - processing cancelled.

The message segment structure cannot be loaded from the database. The process does not understand the structure of the file being processed.

This message will be generated if the process that reads file structure data from the PeopleSoft database (as opposed to the external files) doesn't work correctly.

You should log a case with the Global Support if this error occurs.

Note: For error messages where there is a problem with the file structure, you should check the file structure of the incoming file. This may not be a PeopleSoft problem if HMRC or 3rd party provider have sent an incorrect file.

Error: No structure definition available for %1 - processing cancelled.

The message segment structure cannot be loaded from the database. The process does not understand the structure of the file being processed.

You should log a case with the Global Support if this error occurs.

P6/P9 Error : could not find employee %1 with NI number %2.

The process could not find an employee in the system with the corresponding NI number.

This type of matching occurs only if a WorksID (employee ID) is not provided in the transaction file.

P6/P9 Error : could not find employee %1 (%2) employment information - no update possible.

Because the employment record number may be defaulted to 0 (see previous message), an additional check is done to ensure there is at least one employment record for this employee.

If no employment records are found, then this message is generated.

P6/P9 Error : employee %1 (%2) has future dated rows - no update possible.

The employee already has future-dated tax data rows. The update could potentially invalidate the future-dated, so the employee's data is not updated.

P6/P9 Error: LIN record count (%1) does not match internal count (%2) - processing cancelled.

There is a sequence issue while reading an incoming transaction.

LIN records are counts of employee information in the file.

If the LIN count and the internal count are not synchronized then there is either a logic or file structure issue that could result in data integrity issues, so processing is cancelled.

Note: As this is an external file structure/sequence issue — resolution of this error would require a call to the Global Support.

P6/P9 Error: Unexpected NAD2B record encountered - processing cancelled.

P6/P9 Error: Unexpected ATT2 record encountered (%1) - processing cancelled.

P6/P9 Error: Unknown MOA1 record value encountered (%1) - processing cancelled.

P6/P9 Error: Unexpected TAX1 record encountered (%1) - processing cancelled.

P6/P9 Error: Unexpected MOA1 record encountered (%1) - processing cancelled.

P6/P9 Error: Unexpected DTM2 record encountered (%1) - processing cancelled.

P6/P9 Error: Unexpected ALC1 record encountered (%1) - processing cancelled.

P6/P9 Error: Unexpected ATT3 record encountered (%1) - processing cancelled

A record is encountered when not anticipated. There is either a file structure issue or logic issue. The process does not understand the structure of the file being processed.

You should log a case with the Global Support if this error occurs.

P6/P9 Error : employee %1 (%2) tax code error of: %3 - no update possible.

The submitted tax code has failed our internal verification (the details will be included in the message).

The user should check to see what tax code had been sent and either ask HMRC to re-send or manually add/update the information from the details in the log.

P6/P9 Error : employee %1 (%2) details are %3.

The log will show what P6/P9 details were sent so that the user can verify and check with HMRC or manually add.

P6/P9 Error : found more than 1 employee with NI number %1.

The EDI process found more than one employee with the NI number supplied in the incoming file.

P6/P9 Error : employee %1 (%2) NI numbers do not match %3 - no update possible.

The NI number in the incoming file doesn't match that stored in the employee's biographical details (National ID field).

P6/P9 Error : employee %1 (%2) surname does not match %3 - no update possible.

The surname in the incoming file does not match that stored in the employee's personal details.

The log will show what P6/P9 details were sent so that the user can verify and check with HMRC or manually add.