Setting Up and Running Report Profiles

This topic provides an overview of report profiles and discusses how to create report profiles.

Page Name

Definition Name


Report Profile GBR Page


Create a profile for a user. This profile is then used in the Profile Report, which displays exactly the information that you specified.

Profile Report GBR Page


Run the Profile report (GPGBRPRF). This report displays exactly the information that you require based on report profiles that you create.

You must set up Report Profiles before you can run this report.

The Profile Report is provided as a mechanism for creating simple listing reports of selected elements. For example, you can use profile reporting to create a payment or deduction listings.

Before you can run the Profile report, you must first set up a report profile that lists the elements to include in the report. Use the Report Profile GBR component (GPGB_PROFILE_PNLG) to define report profiles.

Global Payroll core provides generic reporting that enables you to define your own reports of basic payroll results.

Use the Report Profile GBR page (GPGB_PROFILE_PNL) to create a profile for a user.

This profile is then used in the Profile Report, which displays exactly the information that you specified.


Set Up HCM > Product Related > Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt > Reports > Report Profile GBR > Report Profile GBR

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Report Profile GBR page.

Report Profile GBR page

Field or Control


Element Order

Enter the order in which you want the elements to appear in the Profile Report.

Entry Type

Select the type of element that you want to display on the Profile Report.

Element Name

Select the element that you want to appear on the Profile Report. The elements that are available are those belonging to the entry type that you select.