Reporting Payroll Data

Page Name

Definition Name


Payroll Results Register Page


Create a report containing payroll results for a specified calendar group or period.

The Payroll Results Register page enables you to generate payroll results by calendar group or period. The run control page includes numerous fields enabling you to filter the generated results.

The run control page triggers:

  1. The GP_RGST_EXT Application Engine program. This program prepares parameters for Report Data, which extracts the results for the Payroll Results Register based on the specified run control options and setup.

  2. The GP000001 SQR program. This program prints the Payroll Results Register. It reads the parameters from the Payroll Results Register run control page and prints the report using the parameters defined for the specified List Set.

Use the Payroll Results Register page (GP_RGST_RC) to Create a report containing payroll results for a specified calendar group or period.


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt > Absence and Payroll Processing > Reports > Payroll Results Register > Payroll Results Register

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Payroll Results Register page.

Payroll Results Register page (1 of 2)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Payroll Results Register page.

Payroll Results Register (2 of 2)

Report Parameters

Field or Control


Report Run By

Specify whether you are generating a report by Calendar Group or Period.

If you select Calendar Group, the fields in the Period Information group box becomes unavailable. If you select Period, the Calendar Group ID field becomes unavailable.

Note: Make sure that at least one of the sections associated with the calendar group or period that you select contains the writable array GP WA GUIDE. Otherwise, the GP_RGST_EXT Application Engine program will not extract results correctly.

Report Type

Select the type of report you want to generate. Valid values are:

  • Employee Detail: This report provides segment detail for each employee and includes both an Earnings and Deductions section and an Accumulator and Arrears section.

  • Employee Summary: This report summarizes all segments and does not include an Accumulator and Arrears section.

  • Organizational Summary: This report does not include any employee detail. It lists totals summarizing the earnings and deductions within an organization.

Calendar Group ID

Enter the calendar group ID for which you are generating payroll results.

Period Information

Field or Control


Date Type

Enter the types of dates for which you are generating payroll results. Valid values are:

  • Payment Date Range: Generates payroll results for all payment dates included in the range you specify in the Date From and Date To fields.

  • Period Begin Date Range: Generates payroll results for all begin dates included in the range you specify in the Date From and Date To fields.

  • Period End Date Range: Generates payroll results for all end dates included in the range you specify in the Date From and Date To fields.

  • Year and Quarter: Generates payroll results for the year and quarter you specify in the Year and Quarter fields.

Date From and Date To

Enter the range of payment dates, begin dates, or end dates for which you are generating payroll results.

Year and Quarter

Enter the year and quarter for which you are generating payroll results.

List Set

The Payroll Results Register report requires that you select a list set. A list set represents groups of elements and corresponding element attributes associated with a specific application. The list set that you select determines which earnings, deductions, and accumulators the system uses to extract report data for the Payroll Results Register. It also determines the sections and titles of the printed report.

See Understanding Applications and List Sets.

Field or Control



The country you select here determines which list sets are available for you to select.

Create Element List Set

Click to access the Define List Set page in Add mode.

List Set

Select the list set you want to use for the report. When you select a list set, a link next to the List Set field appears enabling you to access the selected list set on the Define List Set page in Update/Display mode.

Sort Sequence

There are nine sort sequence fields, you can define up to seven sort sequencing fields for any one report definition. Enter a number for each field by which you want to sort payroll results for the report. Fields that are blank or have a value of zero are not used in the report.

Field or Control


Employee Level Sort

Select whether the report sorts employees by Employee Name and Employee Rcd Nbr or Employee ID and Employee Rcd Nbr.

Payee Population

Field or Control


Population Method

Select how you want to filter the employees included in the report. Valid values are:

  • All Payees: Select to include all payees meeting the previously specified criteria. If you select this value, do not enter any values in the remaining fields of the Payee Population group box.

  • GP Group List ID: Select to include all payees from a specific Global Payroll group list. If you select this value, enter the desired group list in the Group List ID field.

  • HR Group Build: Select to include all payees from a specific group build. If you select this value, enter the desired group build in the Group ID field. To determine which members of the group are included in the report, use the Group As Of Date and Refinement Date fields.

  • Payees: Select to include only the payees you specify in the Payees group box.

Group ID

If you select HR Group Build in the Population Method field, the report includes payees who are members of the group ID you enter.

Group As Of Date

The report includes the members who belong to the specified group ID as of this date, or as of the date you specify in the Refinement Date field.

If you leave this field blank, the system uses the current system date as the Group As Of Date.

Refinement Date

If the definition of the group ID you select includes effective-dated records, enter the date for which you want the records run. For example, you might want to run a group with an effective date of January 1, 2002, but run the effective-dated rows in the group as of February 15, 2006. In that case, select a Group As of Date of January 1, 2002 and a Refinement Date of February 15, 2006. If you leave this field blank, the system runs the group as of the current date.

Group List ID

If you select GP Group List ID in the Population Method field, the report includes payees who are members of the group list ID you enter.


If you select Payees in the Population Method field, enter the EmplIDs of the payees you want to include in the report.

Organizational Selection

Use the Selection and Selection Value fields to determine which payees are included in the report based on organizational criteria. You can select payees by:

  • Company

  • Department

  • Establishment

  • Location

  • Pay Entity

  • Pay Group