Understanding Element Trace Extraction Tool

The Element Trace Extraction Tool is a powerful solution designed to allow customers to extract Element Resolution Chain together with the definition of the resolved elements, generating a zip file that can be loaded into a different environment or shared with Oracle. Its main purpose is to assist in analyzing and troubleshooting customer calculation errors. By gathering relevant data from the customer's environment, this tool provides valuable insights that can help identify and resolve any issues. This allows for a more targeted analysis of any calculation errors or discrepancies that may be affecting specific individuals. The Element Trace Extraction Tool simplifies the troubleshooting process and helps to identify calculation errors more precisely. This tool not only saves time but also ensures that sensitive data remains protected as any sensitive data will be masked during the extraction process.

Element Trace Extraction Process

Element Trace extraction process involves extracting data (audit records, setup records (for executed elements)) from any source environment and loading data to the target environment for further analysis or processing. The extracted data can be compared and viewed using Element Trace Viewer page. This page allows users to visualize and analyze data by providing features such as filtering, sorting, and comparing definition of extracted elements in the two environments (source and target). Overall, the element trace extraction process plays a crucial role in gathering information from customer environments and making it available for analysis. For details on Element Trace Viewer, see Using the Element Trace Viewer.

Element Trace extraction occurs during Global Payroll and Absence Management execution when the trace feature is enabled, and payee selection is made. This process involves extracting specific data related to payroll transactions and generating output in the form of a zip file. You can access the generated zip file using View/Log Trace subpage.

Note: The Extract Trace checkbox in the Debug and Tuning Options page must be turned on to enable element trace extraction. For details, see Debug and Tuning Options page.