Viewing Global Payroll Insights

The Global Payroll Insights are divided into:

  • Global Payroll Costs Analytics: It enables upper management of an organization to view and analyze payroll expenses related to their workforce using Insights visualizations.

  • Global Payroll Operations Analytics: Provides Global Payroll Administrators a clear picture of the payroll status, open errors, payment methods, payroll frequencies etc.

  • Global Payroll Trends Analytics: Helps Global Payroll Administrators to identify peaks and analyze fluctuation over time for Earnings and Deductions, off-cycle processes, payroll status, payroll frequency, etc. for their work areas.

These payroll visualizations are built on the PeopleSoft Insights platform, which relies on an underlying analytics engine and search engine. Global Payroll data that is visible on the dashboard comes from Global Payroll search indexes.

For information on Insights, see PeopleTools Search Technology, “Monitoring PeopleSoft Search Framework and OpenSearch” and “Working with Insights Dashboards for PeopleSoft Application Data” documentation.

These videos provide an overview of the Insights feature:

Video: Insights with PeopleSoft

Video: PeopleSoft HCM Insights

This topic lists common elements used in Insights visualizations, provides an overview of the deployment and access of the analytics for Global Payroll, and discusses how to review and analyze Global Payroll data using Insights visualizations.

Page Name

Definition Name


Global Payroll Insights Tile


Access the Global Payroll Insights dashboard.

Global Payroll Insights Dashboard


Access Insights Global Payroll Insights (Cost Analytics), Global Payroll Analytics, Global Payroll Operations, Global Payroll Trends, and Global Payroll Administration.

Global Payroll Cost Analytics Tile


Access Global Payroll visualizations on the Global Payroll Insights (Cost Analytics) dashboard.

Global Payroll Insights (Cost Analytics) Dashboard


(Dashboard can be viewed in the Insights Console)

To view Insights visualizations for Global Payroll based on the Global Payroll data index, and spot inconsistencies in time.

Global Payroll Operations Tile


Access Global Payroll visualizations on the Global Payroll Operations dashboard.

Global Payroll Operations Dashboard


(Dashboard can be viewed in the Insights Console)

To view Insights visualizations for Global Payroll operations.

Global Payroll Trends Tile


Access Global Payroll visualizations on the Global Payroll Trends dashboard.

Global Payroll Trends Dashboard


(Dashboard can be viewed in the Insights Console)

To view Insights visualizations for Global Payroll trends.

Before users can access the Global Payroll data in PeopleSoft Insights, the following steps should be performed:

  1. Deploy Global Payroll tiles and dashboards.

    • Global Payroll Insights Home

    • Global Payroll Insights

    • Global Payroll Operations

    • Global Payroll Operations Tile

    • Global Payroll Trends

    • Global Payroll Trends Tile

    (PeopleTools > Search Framework > Administration > Deploy Dashboards to Insights)

  2. Deploy and build these payroll search indexes:





    (PeopleTools > Search Framework > Administration > Deploy/Delete Object)

  3. Assign the below user role to administrators to access and view Global Payroll visualizations.

    • GP Administrator, which provides access to the Global Payroll Insights tile and dashboard.

    • Fluid Dashboard- ESS GP, which provides access to Global Payroll data components, allowing users to view Global Payroll data presented on visualizations.

  4. Add the following tiles:

    • Global Payroll Insights tile

    • Global Payroll Cost Analytics tile

    • Global Payroll Operations tile

    • Global Payroll Trends tile

  5. Configure element categories (Earnings and Deductions) for your country.

    (Set Up HCM > Product Related > Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt > System Settings > Element Category Configuration

  6. Define local currency in the Currency Conversion Setup page.

    Set Up HCM > Common Definitions > Currency Conversion Setup

  7. Run the process to enable access.

    PeopleTools > Security > Query Security > Query Access List Cache

  8. Select the Enable Access List Cache option and run the process.

This section lists the common elements and controls that are used in Insights.

Note: Filtering options apply to all visualizations, which allows users to drill down on all the charts at once.

Field or Control


Open in Insights

This link appears only for users with role Search Administrator.

Filters search field, Change all filters icon (Change all filters), and + Add filter

Enter criteria to filter data on the visualizations. You can add filters in a number of ways:

  • Enter them manually in the Filters search field.

  • Use the + Add filter link to create filters using fields, operators and field values.

  • Select a chart item from a visualization.

  • Use the legend to add or exclude items (applicable to some visualizations).

Added filters are displayed below the Filters search field for reference. For example, when you select a state from the map, the corresponding filter is automatically added to your filters list. When you click the donut chart item for Bonus in the Earnings by Category visualization, the system will prompt you to add the Description: Bonus and Category: Earnings filters since this item consists of more than one filter.

Click the Filters link by the search field to hide or show a list of filters that have been applied to the analytics. A badge number appears to show the number of filters currently applied to the analytics.

Click the Change all filters gear icon for a list of actions that can be performed on all filters, for example, disable them temporarily, delete them permanently, or invert inclusion (show data that does not meet filter criteria). Click a filter item for a list of similar actions that can be performed on it individually.

Calendar icon (Calendar) or Show dates

Click to select a different time period for the analytics. You can enter it manually, or choose from commonly used date ranges provided the system as well as recently used selections. When a new period is selected, all visualizations are refreshed automatically to reflect that change.

If you have selected a commonly used date range, for example, This month, or Week to date, click the Show dates link to view the approximate date period in relation to the current date. For example, the current date is November 1 and the selected date range is Year to date. Clicking the Show dates link displays ~ 10 months ago —> now, which indicates that the selected date range started from approximately 10 months ago and ends on the current date.

When you pause over a visualization, the Options and Legend (if applicable) icons are displayed on the top right and bottom corners respectively. Use them to inspect the chart or table and view the details of that visualization, and toggle the legend display.

Field or Control


Options icon (Options)

Pause over the Options icon to select one of these options:

  • Inspect: Select this option to have a slide out page appear providing the details in a grid format. You can also download data from this page.

  • Full screen or Minimize: Select Full screen to have the page display only this visualization in full screen. Select Options, Minimize to return to the dashboard in Insights and display all visualizations.

Legend icon (Toggle legend)

Click this icon to hide or display the legend for the chart, if available.

You can click an item in the legend to change its color, or add it as a filter (if applicable).

Chart item (bar, pie slice, and so forth)

Hover over a chart item, such as a bar item or pie slice, to view a summary of details for that item.

Select a chart item to add a filter for it to apply to all visualizations.

For more information on working with Insights and filters, see PeopleTools Search Technology, “Working with Insights Dashboards for PeopleSoft Application Data” documentation.

Use the Global Payroll Insights tile to access the Global Payroll Insights dashboard.


The Global Payroll Insights tile is delivered as part of Workforce Administrator Home Page. You can add the tile, through personalization, to a system-delivered homepage or a homepage that you create.

This example illustrates the Global Payroll Insights tile.

Global payroll insights tile

Use the Global Payroll Insights Dashboard to access different Global Payroll tiles.

This example illustrates the Global Payroll Insights dashboard.

Global Payroll Insights dashboard

You can access the following Global Payroll tiles from the Global Payroll Insights dashboard:

  • Global Payroll Analytics

  • Global Payroll Administration

  • Global Payroll Cost Analytics

  • Global Payroll Operations

  • Global Payroll Trends

Use the Global Payroll Cost Analytics tile to access Global Payroll visualizations on the Global Payroll Insights (Cost Analytics) dashboard.

The Global Payroll Cost Analytics tile is located on the Global Payroll Insights dashboard.

This example illustrates the Global Payroll Cost Analytics tile.

Cost Analytics tile

The Global Payroll Cost Analytics tile displays a portion of the Payroll Trend visualization, which is available on the Global Payroll Insights (Cost Analytics) dashboard.

Use the Global Payroll Insights (Cost Analytics) dashboard to review and analyze Global Payroll data using Insights visualizations.


Click the Global Payroll Cost Analytics tile.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Global Payroll Insights (Cost Analytics) dashboard (1 of 3). This screenshot shows the popup menu details that appear when you pause over a chart item on a map visualization.

Cost Analytics dashboard 1

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Global Payroll Insights (Cost Analytics) dashboard (2 of 3). The popup menu shows two pieces of information represented by the chart item that you pause over on a two level donut visualization.

Cost Analytics dashboard 2

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Global Payroll Insights (Cost Analytics) dashboard (3 of 3). The screenshot shows the Options pop-up that will display when you click the Options icon of a visualization.

Cost Analytics dashboard 3_new

Warning! Insights dashboards may not render properly if you access them using unsupported platforms.

Using the interactive visualizations that are available on the dashboard, you can see the breakdown of total payroll costs, and compare the trends of different breakdown components over a period of time. You can also view the distribution of payroll costs by country and category, total employees paid, category trends as well as the total earnings and deductions by category. When you select filters or chart items, or modify the date range, Insights dynamically updates all visualizations.

Note: If you want to see the updated data in Global Payroll Insights dashboard, you have to run the following indexes in the incremental mode, this process is also triggered by the Calculate Absence and Payroll process:



The dashboard uses role-level security to display permitted data to the user. If you add or update any data, you need to run the above indexes again.

The Global Payroll Insights (Cost Analytics) dashboard delivers these visualizations:

  • Total Payroll Cost

  • Payroll Trend

  • Totals by Region

  • Cost by Category

  • Employees Paid

  • Category Trend

  • Total Earnings by Category

  • Total Deductions by Category

  • Global Payroll Data

See Common Elements and Controls

Additional Filters

Additional Filters allows you select filters based on below attributes:

  • Year

  • Company

  • Payroll Element

  • Currency: The currencies displayed in this field are configured using the Currency Conversion Setup page. You need to define local and global currencies in this setup page.

    The Insights dashboard displays the data only if the conversion rate is defined in the Currency Conversion Setup page. For details, see Defining Currency Conversion Setup.

    By default, the dashboard displays the visualizations in global currency (USD).

Total Payroll Cost

This visualization displays the total cost of payroll and its breakdown numbers. Listed numbers include:

  • Gross

  • Deduction

  • Net

  • Previous Gross

  • Previous Net

  • Gross Variance

  • Net Variance

Payroll Trend

This line chart visualization presents the trend and highlight fluctuations in various payroll costs.

Pause over a point on a line to view the pay period and actuals of the corresponding payroll cost component.

Totals by Region

This map visualization represents total category costs by region. The darker the shade, the higher the payroll cost.

Cost by Category

This tag cloud visualization displays terms of common payroll costs (that is, different earnings and deduction elements) that are incurred by the employer. The larger the term’s font size, the higher the payroll cost.

The earnings and deduction elements displayed in this visualization are configured through the Element Category Configuration page. For details, see Defining Element Category Configuration.

Employees Paid

This donut chart visualization displays two levels of metrics. The inner ring represents total employee count and outer ring breaks down the total employee count by employee class.

The top 8 employee class with the highest count are shown.

Select Other to view the next 8 employee class, so on and so forth.

Category Trend

This line chart visualization presents fluctuation of the top categories cost over the time.

Total Earnings by Category

This pie chart visualization displays the breakdown of total earnings in percentage by earnings category. The top 5 earnings categories with the highest amount are shown.

Select Other to view the next 5 highest-amount earnings categories, so on and so forth.

Total Deductions by Category

This pie chart visualization displays the breakdown of total deductions in percentage by deduction category. The top 5 deduction categories with the highest amount are shown.

Select Other to view the next 5 highest-amount deduction categories, so on and so forth.

Global Payroll Data

This grid lists the Global Payroll data, which is presented in visualizations, in a tabular format.

Field or Control


[Column-related actions]

Sort grid rows by column value in ascending or descending order.

Filter for value icon (Filter for value) andFilter out value icon (Filter out value)

These filter icons appear when you pause next to a field value. These icons are available for all column values in the grid, and provide a quick way to add filters to the analytics.

Click the Filter for value (+ magnify glass) icon to add the shown field value as a filter to all visualizations. For example, if you click to filter for a business unit value, all visualizations will refresh to show payroll data that pertains to that business unit.

Click the Filter out value (- magnify glass) icon to remove the shown field value from the filter process for all visualizations. For example, if you click to filter out a business unit value, visualizations will refresh to show payroll data for all except that business unit. Filters can be removed from the Filters area at the top of the page.

Use the Global Payroll Operations tile to access Global Payroll visualizations on the Global Payroll Operations dashboard.

The Global Payroll Operations tile is located on the Global Payroll Insights dashboard.

This example illustrates the Global Payroll Operations tile.

Global Payroll Operations tile

The Global Payroll Operations tile displays a portion of the Calendar Status visualization, which is available on the Global Payroll Operations dashboard.

Use the Global Payroll Operations dashboard to review and analyze Global Payroll data using Insights visualizations.


Click the Global Payroll Operations tile.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Global Payroll Operations dashboard (1 of 3).

Global Payroll Operations Dashboard1

You can define the default date option for Global Time Filter used in Insights dashboard. For details, see Insights Option.

Insights time range global filter (applicable to the whole dashboard) will use calendar’s payment date. The Global Time Filter settings are defined in the Installation Options page. For example If Payment Date is selected in the Installation Settings and the global filter value is selected as 'Last 3 months', this translates last 3 months of payroll transactions based on their calendar’s payment date and the visualizations are displayed in the dashboard accordingly.

The Global Time Filter works similarly when users select Period Begin Date or Period End Date.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Global Payroll Operations dashboard (2 of 3).

Global Payroll Operations Dashboard2

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Global Payroll Operations dashboard (3 of 3).

Global Payroll Operations Dashboard3

Warning! Insights dashboards may not render properly if you access them using unsupported platforms.

Using the interactive visualizations that are available on the dashboard, you can identify potential risks on missing payment date due to errors or give an insight on how to improve payroll process, such as changing cut-off dates, reducing volume of off-cycle payrolls, avoiding retro activity calculation if there are additional payments in the period, they can also provide support to hire a payroll clerk if needed etc. When you select filters or chart items, or modify the date range, Insights dynamically updates all visualizations.

Note: If you want to see the updated data in Global Payroll Insights dashboard, you have to run the following indexes in the incremental mode:



If you add or update any data, you need to run the above indexes again.

The dashboard uses Work Area User Access security (Set Up HCM > Product Related > Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt > System Settings > Work Area User Access) to display permitted data to the user.

The Global Payroll Operations dashboard delivers these visualizations:

  • Calendar Type

  • Payroll Status

  • Calendar Status

  • Payment Process Status

  • Payroll Error by Severity

  • Overall Payroll Audits by Pay Group

  • Retro Volume

  • Retro Age

  • Retro Triggers

Additional Filters

Used to filter the entire dashboard based on below attributes:

  • Company

  • Pay Group: Pay Groups are taken from the calendars being included in the dashboard.

  • Calendar Group: The calendars that were processed together for an on-cycle run or the off-cycle configured using the Calendar Group page. For details, see Defining Calendar Groups.

Global Payroll WorkCenter

This markdown visualization displays detailed information concerning payroll transactions for all calendars (open and finalized), such as:

  • Payroll Items

  • Payee Data

  • Prepare Payroll

  • Process Payroll

  • Review Payroll

  • Post Payroll

  • Result Queries

  • Payroll Analytics

  • Register

Note: This visualization is helpful only for customers who installed the Global Payroll WorkCenter feature. You can remove it from the dashboard if you are not using the WorkCenter.

Click the Global Payroll WorkCenter link. A new tab in the browser is displayed and the user will have access to the permitted data according to the personalized security.

With Global Payroll WorkCenter feature installed, the system administrators can activate the link directly in the Insights panel.

To activate the link for Global Payroll WorkCenter in the Insights panel, system administrators must know the application server address and the name of the database which is running PeopleSoft HCM. In addition to that, they must have a role of Search Administrator.

Steps to Manually Activate Global Payroll WorkCenter Using Insights Panel

  • Navigate to Reporting Tools > Insights.

  • Click Visualize.

  • Type ‘GP Insights Oper - GP WorkCenter’ in the Search box.

  • Click on ‘GP Insights Oper - GP WorkCenter’ hyperlink of TSVB visualization type.

  • On the Markdown window, replace all the occurrences of the application server by the one that is running PeopleSoft HCM.

  • Replace all the occurrences of the database instance by the one that is running PeopleSoft HCM.

  • Save the Markdown.

Calendar Type

This donut chart visualization displays two levels of metrics. The inner ring represents total calendars count and outer ring breaks down the total calendars count by calendar type: Absence and Payroll.

Payroll Status

This pie visualization represents the total number of payroll segments distributed by employee status.

The top 5 employee status with the highest count are shown.

Select Other to view the next 5 employee status, so on and so forth.

Calendar Status

This gauge visualization displays, at one glance, the number of all calendars distributed by calendar status. The larger the outer dark semicircle, the higher the number of calendars in that status. The available calendar statuses are:

  • Not Started

  • Started

  • Calculated

  • Finalized

Payment Process Status

This gauge chart visualization displays two types of metrics. The left gauge represents total calendar count in Paid status and right gauge represents total calendar count in Sent to GL (General Ledger) status.

Payroll Error by Severity

This donut chart visualization displays two levels of metrics. The inner ring represents total payroll processing messages count and outer ring breaks down the total payroll processing messages count by severity: Warning and Error.

Overall Payroll Audits by Pay Group

This horizontal bar chart visualization displays the breakdown of payroll processing messages distributed by Pay Group. The following 4 payroll processing messages are shown:

  • Payee Messages

  • Incomplete Banking

  • Active without Gross

  • Inactive with Gross

Retro Volume

This vertical bar chart visualization displays the breakdown of retro entries by period (Year – Month). If no retro entries are found for a particular period, it is not displayed.

The top 5 period with the highest count are shown.

Select Other to view the next 5 period, so on and so forth.

Retro Age

This vertical bar chart visualization displays the breakdown of retro entries by period ranges in days. The following period ranges are shown, regardless there are retro entries for them or not:

  • ≥ 1 and < 30

  • ≥ 30 and < 60

  • ≥ 60 and < 90

  • ≥ 90 and < 180

  • ≥ 180 and < 364

  • ≥ 365 and < +∞

Retro Triggers

This vertical bar chart visualization displays the breakdown of retro entries by source record from which the retro trigger is generated. If no source record is found in the retro entry (if the triggers are entered manually), ‘Not Applicable’ message is displayed.

The top 5 retro source with the highest count are shown.

Select Other to view the next 5 retro source, so on and so forth.

Operations Data

This data table visualization lists details of the Global Payroll data, which is presented in a tabular format.

Use the Global Payroll Trends tile to access Global Payroll trends visualizations on the Global Payroll Trends dashboard.


Click the Global Payroll Trends tile.

This example illustrates the Global Payroll Trends tile.

Global Payroll Trends tile

Use the Global Payroll Trends Dashboard to view to view interactive visualizations for the work areas that you are responsible for. This dashboard helps you to identify peaks and analyze fluctuation over the time for Earnings and Deductions, off-cycles processes, payroll status, payroll frequency, and so on.


Click the Global Payroll Trends tile.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Global Payroll Trends dashboard (1 of 3).

GP Trends Dashboard1

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Global Payroll Trends dashboard (2 of 3).

GP Trends Dashboard2

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Global Payroll Trends dashboard (3 of 3).

GP Trends Dashboard3

Using the interactive visualizations that are available on the dashboard, you can see the breakdown of total payroll costs, and compare the trends of different breakdown components over a period of time. You can also view the earnings and deduction categories, on-cycle and off-cycle calendars, payroll status, payment method etc. When you select filters or chart items, or modify the date range, Insights dynamically updates all visualizations using the source from the index.

The Global Payroll Trends dashboard delivers these visualizations:

  • Earning Categories

  • Deduction Categories

  • On-Cycle and Off-Cycle Calendars

  • Payroll Status

  • Payments by Frequency

  • Payment Method

  • Earnings

  • Deductions

  • Earning Categories Drilldown

  • Deduction Categories Drilldown

See Common Elements and Controls.

Additional Filters

Additional Filters allows you select filters based on below attributes:

  • Company

  • Business Unit

  • Department

  • Pay Group

  • Currency

Earning and Deduction Categories

These tag clouds visualizations display the earnings and deductions categories such as Allowances, Gross Pay, Total Tax Withheld etc. These tag clouds help users to easily filter the entire dashboard by a specific category and understand the more expensive categories in Global Payroll application.

On-Cycle and Off-Cycle Calendars

This bar graph visualization displays the number of on-cycle and off-cycle calendars by a specific period of time.

Payroll Status

This visualization displays the total number of employees in different payroll statuses such as Active, Terminated with Pay etc.

Payments by Frequency

This chart displays the payslips for each payment frequency.

Payment Method

This chart displays different payment methods over a period of time.


This chart displays the earnings cost by Month and Category.


This chart displays the deductions cost by Month and Category.

Earnings Categories Drill Down

This visualization helps to identify the retro amounts. You can review category details such as members, calendars, amounts, employees, etc.

You can drilldown to analyze category members, retro amounts, employees contributing to the category by clicking on the category.

This example illustrates the breakdown information of regular earnings.

Breakdown category

Click on the Details hyperlink to open the Results by Calendar Group for that specific row, or click Go Back button to return to the Global Payroll Trends dashboard.

Deduction Categories Drill Down

This visualization helps to identify the retro amount. You can review category details such as members, calendars, amounts, employees, etc. It also helps you to track the amount not taken for deductions.

Click on the detail hyperlink to open the Results by Calendar Group for that specific row, or click Go Back button to return to the Global Payroll Trends dashboard.

This example illustrates the breakdown information of pension contribution.

Deductions drill down