Accruing and Taking Sick Leave

The delivered customary sick leave absence entitlement, SICK DAYS, grants 5 days in the first year, then 5 days in subsequent years, up to a maximum of 20 days:

  1. The entitlement's formula, LVE FM SICK DAYS, grants the initial accrual by checking that the _ENT balance is zero, and if it is zero, retrieves a value of 5 from bracket LVE BR SCK DYS.

    The bracket uses duration LVE DR YRS OF SVC and it returns 5 (days) if there are no years of service (this is the employee's first year and the duration cannot return decimals of a year). A zero duration returns a bracket value 5.

    The LVE BR SCK DYS bracket (which contains the maximum yearly accrual days — 5 and 5) grants the values initially and then based on every new instance of the SICK accumulator. The bracket returns the correct value of accrual days based on an employee's years of service. It returns 5 in the first year, then 5 in the second and subsequent year and can be adjusted as needed.

  2. When the absence calendar is run, the bracket value 5 is accrued to the Year To Date_ENT and _BAL accumulators.

    The accumulators are updated to Calendar Period End Date, are stored by EMPL ID/EMPL RCD and begin on the hire date. When the new instance of the accumulator is generated, so too is the accrual grant.

  3. The absence take, SICK, looks to the absence entitlement balance to decrement absence units (days).

    There is an eligibility criteria (LVE DT WAIT 3/12) defined on the take (on the Period page of the take component) which does not allow any payment of sick leave in the first 3 months of hire or rehire. Date element LVE DT WAIT 3/12 calculates the 3 month period. It adds 3 months to the hire or rehire date and that is the date upon which the employee is eligible for the accrual.

  4. The units (days) to decrement is resolved by the take's day formula, LVE FM DYS ABS PH.

    This formula checks to see if there are any partial or scheduled hours for the employee for each day of the absence. Where this is true, then each day is assigned the value of either .5 or 1. The formula rounds partial hours less than half the scheduled hours to .5 and partial hours greater than half the scheduled hours to 1. The total number of days which have partial or scheduled hours decrements the Absence Entitlement described above. You may or may not want to allow negative balances to be paid.

  5. The units returned become the paid units (DAY COUNT PD) and unpaid units (DAY COUNT UNP) depending on available absence entitlement days.

  6. The positive input for this absence take is earnings SICK LVE. As part of the Holidays Amendment Act 2010, for sick leave an employee is entitled to be paid either relevant daily pay or average daily pay.

    Relevant daily pay is the amount the employee would have received had he or she worked on the day concerned. Average daily pay is the employee's:Gross earnings in previous 52 weeks pay periods/6.Number of whole or part days the employee either worked or was on paid leave or holiday in the previous 52 weeks pay periods

    The unit for this earning is payee level. And the rate is formula ERN FM PUB SIC RTE. This formula is used to decide the hourly rate at which a particular employee is paid.

    Note: ADP or RDP option can be selected for calculation of sick leave and public leave in the Maintain Tax Data page with an effective date from 1st April 2011. A field GPNZ_ADV_BUTTON is added in the record GPNZ_EE_TAX_DETAIL in order to store the RDP/ADP selection.

    A new variable TAX VR EE OV DPC is created to store the value of the type of calculation that is to be used, ADP or RDP, for the employee. It is referenced in the array TAX AR EE TX DTL and is mapped to the field GPNZ_ADV_BUTTON of the record GPNZ_EE_IRD_DET. It stores a single character value, ‘Y’ or ‘N’.