Defining Personal Address Types

To define personal address types, use the Personal Address Type component (ADDR_TYPE_TBL).

This topic discusses how to enter personal address types.

Page Name

Definition Name


Personal Address Type Page


Enter personal address types and the order in which they are available.

Use the Personal Address Type page (ADDR_TYPE_TBL) to enter personal address types and the order in which they are available.


Set Up HCM > Foundation Tables > Personal > Personal Address Type > Personal Address Type

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Personal Address Type page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Personal Address Type page

Field or Control


Order by

Enter the order in which the system should make this address available.

Addr Type CD (address type code), Address Type, and Short Type

Enter a code for the address type, the full address type name, and a short version of the address type.

Note: You cannot edit the Home, Mailing, Business, and Check address types because they are system data.