(Fluid) Managing Employee Headers

PeopleSoft HCM provides you with the flexibility to configure employee header fields for fluid pages.

To manage the employee headers for fluid pages, use the Define Header Fields (HR_EH_FLDNM_TBL), Define Header Configuration (HR_EH_TBL), and Map Header Configuration (HR_EH_COMPONENTS) components.

This topic provides and overview of employee headers in fluid, lists delivered fluid header field definitions, and discusses how to configure employee headers for fluid pages.

These videos demonstrates the configurable fluid header display feature:

Video: Image Highlights, PeopleSoft HCM Update Image 45: Configurable Fluid Header Display

Video: Image Highlights, PeopleSoft HCM Update Image 46: Configurable Header

Page Name

Definition Name


Define Header Fields Page


Maintain fields that will be available in the header design.

Define Header Configuration Page


Create header configurations by selecting the fields that should show in the employee header of a page.

Preview Header Page


View how the header will display the configured fields.

Map Header Configuration Page


Associate the header configuration with components to override the default header.

Many of the employee-related fluid pages display a header with the employee’s photo, name, job title, and an icon for accessing related actions.

Example of an employee header in fluid

Example of an employee header in fluid

As delivered, the Employee Photo Header displays the employee's name and job title details in two rows. With the Employee Header Configuration feature, you can determine the field data that should appear in fluid headers, showing up to three rows.

Note: This feature is applicable only to the fluid pages that use the Employee Photo Header sub-page (HR_EMPL_HDR_SBF). HR_EMPL_HDR_SBF is delivered as part of Employee Photo feature in image 9.

To display additional employee information on the classic pages, see Setting Up Mouse Over Popups.

Note: The employee header configuration does not control the display of the employee photo. The photo in the common header is visible if the Display Photo option is enabled on the Installation Table - HCM Options Page, Employee Photo section.

Prior to creating your fluid header designs, you must identify the fields that can be included in the header of a component. The PeopleSoft application delivers these predefined fields:

Field Name



Business Title


Business Unit








Person ID


Employee Record


Payroll Status


Establishment ID


Full/Part Time Status




HR Status


Job Title






Employee Name


Display Name


Formal Name


Pay Group


Person Type




Position Number


Position Title


Regulatory Region


Remote Worker Status


Salary Plan


Standard Hours


Salary Step


Time Zone

Note: Employees can enter their time zone using the Add Contact or Edit Contact Page in the Company Directory. When the employee has not specified a time zone, the system determines the time using the base time zone from PeopleTools Options.

Use the Define Header Fields page (HR_EH_FLDNM_TBL) to maintain fields that will be available in the header design.


Set Up HCM > Common Definitions > Employee Header Configuration > Define Header Fields

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Define Header Fields page.

Header Field Definition page

The PeopleSoft application delivers several predefined fields for the purpose of designing fluid employee headers. See the Understanding Delivered Header Field Definitions in this topic.

Field or Control



Enter a description for the field.


Enter a label name that will appear in the Label field on the Define Header Configuration Page.

Name Field

Select this check box to activate this field as a prompt option for the name field (First Row Fields section, Field Name) on the Define Header Configuration Page. The system delivers these name header fields enabled:

  • Employee Name

  • Display Name

  • Formal Name

Select Source

The source for the fields use an application package. Use this section to identify package details.

Field or Control


Package Name

Enter the ID of the application package that contains the action class to display the header.

PeopleSoft HCM delivers the HR_EH_COMMON package for employee headers.


Select the qualified package or path of the application package.

Class Name

Select the class name of the application package.


Select the method within the application class that will be run to display the header.

Note: The Application Class should consider the Show Display Field and Show Type Field options when configuring.

Supporting Fields for Setup

Field or Control


Show Display Field

Select to show the Display field on the Define Header Configuration Page. This field enables the administrator to configure the field to show the code, description, or both.

Show Type Field

Select to show the Field Type field on the Define Header Configuration Page. This enables the administrator to configure the field to display the field type. For example, a phone field type may be business, mobile, home, and so forth.

Note: The Application Class should consider the Show Display Field and Show Type Field options when configured.

Use the Define Header Configuration page (HR_EH_TBL) to create header configurations by selecting the fields that should show in the employee header of a page.

Note: PeopleSoft HCM delivers the DEFAULT_HEADER value, which includes the employee name and job title.


Set Up HCM > Common Definitions > Employee Header Configuration > Define Header Configuration

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Define Header Configuration page.

Define Header Configuration page

Header Details

Field or Control


Preview Header button

Select to open the Preview Header Page and view how the fields will appear in the header.

Display Field Labels in Screen Reader Mode

Select to show configured field values with labels for screen reader users. When selected and in screen reader mode, the header will display all the configured fields as individual fields in a two column format.

Display Field Labels in Standard Mode

Select to show configured field values with labels. When selected, the header will display all the configured fields as individual fields in a two column format.

First, Second, and Third Row Fields

You can display up to three (3) rows of data on an employee header.

  • First Row Fields section will always display the employee's name. You can choose to include a person's pronouns, if enabled.

  • Second Row Fields and Third Row Fields sections can include up to three (3) fields, but the information will appear in a concatenated manner, meaning they will appear in a linear fashion with the separator you define on this page.

Field or Control


Show Pronoun

Select to show a person's pronouns, if enabled and the person has specified them. If not configured, or an employee has not identified pronouns, the header will not display this field.

To show a person's pronouns in the header, all of the following must be in place:

  • Enable Gender Identity is selected on the Installation Table - HCM Options Page.

  • The employee has identified the pronoun on the Personal Details - Gender Details Page in employee self service.

Field Sequence

Indicate the order in which the fields should appear, lowest to highest.

For the First Row Fields section, you can only have one field row.

For the Second and Third Row Fields sections, you can add up to three (3) concatenated fields for both the second and the third row fields. When the screen reader or standard mode check boxes are selected, the fields will appear as individual fields spanning two columns.


Identify how you want to separate the different fields on the row. This separator will appear before this field. Values include:

  • Colon

  • Comma

  • Hyphen

  • Parentheses

  • Pipe

  • Semicolon

If a separator value is not selected, then the header will use a space as a default separator.

Field Name and Label

For the First Row Fields section, select the person's name display from the available options. Valid values come from the Define Header Fields Page where the Name Field check box is selected. Delivered options include:

  • Employee Name

  • Display Name

  • Formal Name

For more information on name types, see Setting Up Additional Name Information.

For the Second and Third Row Fields sections, enter a field that should appear in the header for the employee. Valid fields and labels are defined on the Define Header Fields Page.

Field Type

This field is available when Show Type Field is selected on the Define Header Fields Page for this field.

Select the field type that should appear in the employee header. For example, for a phone field, identify whether you want to show the person's business, home, or mobile phone number.


This field is available when Show Display Field is selected on the Define Header Fields Page for this field.

Select how you want the field value to appear in the employee header. Values include:

  • CODE: shows just the code of the field value.

  • DESC: shows the description of the field value.

  • BOTH: shows both the code and description of the field value.

Use the Preview Header page (HR_EH_TBL) to view how the header will display the configured fields.


Click the Preview Header button on the Define Header Configuration Page.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Preview Header page when the Display Field Labels in Standard Mode (or Screen Rrader Mode) is not selected.

Preview Header page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Preview Header page when the Display Field Labels in Screen Reader Mode (or Standard Mode) is selected.

Preview Header page when the Display Field Labels in Screen Reader or Standard Mode is selected

Note: The preview page allows you to see how data is getting displayed. However, the page look may be different on fluid transaction pages.

Field or Control


Header View in

Select an option to see how the header fields will appear for the following modes:

  • Screen Reader Mode

  • Standard Mode

The header format will vary based on the Display Field Labels in Screen Reader Mode and Display Field Labels in Standard Mode settings on the Define Header Configuration Page.

  • When deselected, the preview will display up to three rows in a concatenated manner, meaning each row will appear in a linear fashion with the separator you defined.

  • When selected, the preview will display the configured fields as individual fields in a two column format.

Use the Map Header Configuration page (HR_EH_COMP_SETUP) to associate the header configuration with components to override the default header.


Set Up HCM > Common Definitions > Employee Header Configuration > Map Header Configuration

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Map Header Configuration page.

Map Header Configuration page

Use this page to associate components to header IDs when you want to display data differently from that provided with the DEFAULT_HEADER.

Important! If a product page uses a customized header instead of the delivered Employee Photo Header, you must remove the customization first in order for this header to render properly within the component.

Field or Control


Component Name

Enter the fluid component that will use this header.


Indicate the market for the component. When different markets exist with the same component name you can differentiate them by market.

Header ID

Enter the header template ID you created using the Define Header Configuration Page.

Note: If multiple components will use the same header, you will need to enter a row for each component and associate that header ID.