Setting Up Company Locations

To set up company locations, use the Company Location component (COMP_LOC_TBL).

This topic discusses how to establish company locations.

Page Name

Definition Name


Company Location Page


Associate Works Council IDs with companies and locations.

Use the Company Location page (COMP_LOC_TBL) to associate Works Council IDs with companies and locations.


Set Up HCM > Foundation Tables > Organization > Company Location > Company Location

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Company Location page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Company Location page

Field or Control


Works Council ID

Select the ID of the Works Council representing workers at this company and location.

(DEU) Germany

Field or Control


Spokesmen Committee ID

Select the works council spokesmen committee ID.

Social Insurance Unit

Select a social insurance ID.