Freezing Budgets, Moving Unapproved Demands, and Deleting Scenarios

When you finish creating, reviewing, and adjusting your training scenarios, you can freeze the company training budget for a specified budget period and business unit.

Once you freeze a budget:

  • You cannot update or change any demands or scenarios that are associated with that budget period and business unit.

  • You can move unapproved demands from the frozen budget period to the next budget period.

    You can set the system to include employees whose training requests weren't approved in one budget period as part of the demand for the next budget period.

  • You can delete scenarios that you no longer need.

  • You can use this training plan to track budgeted costs verse actual costs.

These topics discuss how to:

  • Freeze budget periods.

  • Move unapproved demands to the next period.

  • Delete obsolete global scenarios.

Page Name

Definition Name


Freeze Budget Period Page


Freeze or unfreeze a budget period.

Move unapproved Demands Page


Move unapproved demands to the next budget period after the current budget period has been frozen.

Delete Inactive Scenario Page


Delete obsolete global scenarios. You can delete a global scenario only if the scenario's status is Inactive and the budget period for the associated business unit is frozen.

Use the Freeze Budget Period page (TRN_FREEZE_PERIOD) to freeze or unfreeze a budget period.


Administer Training > Training Budget > Freeze Training Budget > Freeze Budget Period > Freeze Budget Period

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Freeze Budget Period page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Freeze Budget Period page

This page displays all of the approved demands, the total budget (the sum of the department budgets included in the plan), the total computed cost for the departments in the training plan; and the budget-to-cost ratio for the entire training plan.

To freeze the plan, select the Frozen check box and save the page. This freezes the budget for the entire business unit.

Note: Freezing a training plan turns it into a live training budget for the specified business unit and budget period.

To unfreeze a training period, deselect the Frozen check box and save the page.

Use the Move unapproved Demands page (RUNCTL_TRN015) to move unapproved demands to the next budget period after the current budget period has been frozen.


Administer Training > Training Budget > Freeze Training Budget > Move unapproved Demands > Move unapproved Demands

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Move unapproved Demands page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Move unapproved Demands page

A demand with an Approved field value of 0 is considered unapproved. Also, if you have a demand ID with a requested demand of 16, and you approved only 12, the system considers the unapproved demands for the demand ID to be 4, because you didn't approve 4 of the requested head count. The Move Non Approved Demands process carries forward the 4 unapproved demands for the demand ID.

Field or Control


Budget Period and Business Unit

Select the budget period and business unit to move the unapproved demands from.

Target Budget Period

Select the budget period to move the demands to.

Note: Apply this process to unapproved budgets before creating new demands for the target budget period.

Data Override

If you have already run the Move Non Approved Demands process, select to override the results from the previous run with the new results.

Important! If you deselect this check box, and you're running the process for the first time, the system does not override any manual changes that you've made to the process results. If you rerun the process later with this check box selected, then any changes that you made for unapproved demands on the source budget period are reflected in the target budget period. If the check box is deselected, you'll lose any changes.

Use the Delete Inactive Scenario (delete inactive global scenario) page (RUNCTL_TRN031) to delete obsolete global scenarios.

You can delete a global scenario only if the scenario's status is Inactive and the budget period for the associated business unit is frozen.


Administer Training > Training Budget > Create Budget Plan > Delete Inactive Scenario > Delete Inactive Scenario

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Delete Inactive Scenario. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Delete Inactive Scenario page

When you run this process, the system deletes data from the TRN_SIMULATION and TRN_SCENARIO tables.

Scenario Details

Field or Control



Select the scenario to delete. The system lists only the scenarios that are inactive and refer to a frozen budget period. When you move out of this field, the system populates the Budget Period and Business Unit fields.

Add a row for each scenario that you want to delete.

Budget Period

Displays the budget period that you associated with the scenario. You specify the budget period when you create the scenario.

See PeopleTools: Process Scheduler.