Reviewing the Setup for Groups and Indicators

These topics discuss how to:

  • Review the group setup.

  • Review the indicator setup.

Page Name

Definition Name


2483 Group Page


Review the group setup for the French Training Report 2483.

2483 Indicator Page


Review the indicator setup for the French Training Report 2483 groups.

Use the 2483 Group page (GROUP_2483_TBL_FRA) to review the group setup for the French Training Report 2483.

Information in the 2483 report is organized by group. The groups are identified by a letter, for example, C represents Training Costs and D represents OPCA Designation.


Set Up HCM > Product Related > Enterprise Learning > 2483 Indicators FRA > 2483 Group

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the 2483 Group page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

2483 Group page

Field or Control



Comments that you enter here do not appear on the report.

Number of Columns

This field controls the number of columns that the report includes, by default, for this group. It also controls the number of Descr (description) fields that display on this page.

Descr. 1 (description 1) through Descr. 6 (description 6)

These fields define the column labels that appear in the report for the group, by default.

When you use the 2483 Indicators page to define a new indicator for a group, the indicator inherits the default values for columns and descriptions that are defined here.

The following groups (used in the 2483 Group field) are delivered with HR:

Group ID



Monthly average headcount


Headcount, Training Hours

Note: (FRA) For indicators 11 and 12, when running the 2483 Computation process on Sybase, the process does not check if the cost is fully chargeable for the company or not. In other words, the training is included in the indicator count even if financing costs exist for training.


Total Compensation


Training Leave Financing


Professionalization Financing


Training Plan Financing


CDD Training Leave Financing


Public Revenue Dept Payment


Carry-Forward Surplus

Use the 2483 Indicator page (INDIC_2483_TBL_FRA) to review the indicator setup for the French Training Report 2483 groups.


Set Up HCM > Product Related > Enterprise Learning > 2483 Indicators FRA > 2483 Indicator

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the 2483 Indicator page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

2483 Indicator page

Each group can include multiple indicators. Use this page to view the indicators that are associated with a particular group.

PeopleSoft provides the appropriate labels for each column. The report prints the values in the Descr 1 through Descr 6 fields as the indicator labels on the French Training Report.