(USF) Defining Award Actions

To set up the (USF) Award Actions tables, use the Award Actions (GVT_AWD_ACTN), and Award Type Table (RUN_FGPER810) components.

This topic discusses how to set up award actions.

Page Name

Definition Name


Award Actions Page


Define award codes for monetary and nonmonetary awards types.

Award Type Table Page


Run the Award Type table report (FGPER810).

Use the Award Actions page (GVT_AWD_ACTN) to define award codes for monetary and nonmonetary awards types.


Set Up HCM > Product Related > Workforce Administration > Workforce Data USF > Define Award Actions USF > Define Award Actions USF

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Award Actions page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Award Actions page

Field or Control


Nature of Action Code

Enter the reason associated with this award action.

Award Classification

Select the award classification, either Award or Bonus.

Award Code

Enter the NFC-defined code that identifies the bonus or award. The entry in this field becomes the default value on the Award Data page for this action reason and is read only.

Payroll Data

Field or Control


Earnings Code

Select an earnings code to associate with this award action.

Combination Code andEdit ChartFields

Displays the key that defines a combination of ChartFields. Click the Edit ChartFields link to access the ChartFields Details page.

GL Pay Type (general ledger pay type)

Select the pay type to associate with this award action.

Pay in Separate Paycheck?

Select if this award action should be paid in a separate check.


Select to indicate the award or bonus amount must be grossed-up for payroll purposes.

NFC Populate Amount Indicator

Field or Control


Not Applicable orPopulate Amount

The default selection is Not Applicable.

Select Populate Amount to define a relocation or recruiting bonus that is granted to an employee though a personnel action:

  • For a relocation bonus, this setting triggers the system to populate the GVT_NFC_RELBON_AMT NFC-specific export field with the award amount when the action code is BON (bonus) and the reason code is REL (relocation).

  • For a recruiting bonus, this setting triggers the system to populate the GVT_NFC_RECBON_AMT NFC-specific export field with the award amount when the action code is BON (bonus) and the reason code is REF (referral).

Note: These fields are not visible to the user.