Defining Fringe Groups

To define fringe groups, use the Fringe Group Table component (HP_FRINGE_GROUP).

Group fringe expenses (employer paid benefits and taxes) together into fringe groups. When you specify a fringe group on the Department Budget Earnings page (DEPT_BUDGET_ERN), the system will distribute the earnings, but not the fringe costs associated with the group, to the funding source you assigned to that particular earnings code.

Page Name

Definition Name


Fringe Group Table Page


Assign different types of benefits and taxes to fringe groups.

Use the Fringe Group Table page (HP_FRINGE_GROUP) to assign different types of benefits and taxes to fringe groups.


Set Up HCM > Product Related > Commitment Accounting > Fringe Costs > Fringe Group Table

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Fringe Group Table page.

Fringe Group Table page


Field or Control


Plan Type

Select one or more benefit plan types to associate with this fringe group.

US Taxes and Canadian Taxes

Field or Control


Tax Class

Select one or more US or Canadian tax class to associate with this fringe group.