Running the Predistribution Audit Report

To run the Predistribution Audit report, use the Predistribution Audit Report component (HP_RUN_PREDIST).

Page Name

Definition Name


Predistribution Audit Report Page


The Predistribution Audit report audits payroll and configuration data and identifies any errors that could be encountered when you run the Actuals Distribution or Actuals GL Interface processes.

Run the Predistribution Audit report after you've run the Paysheet Create process, but before running the Actuals Distribution process.

Use the Predistribution Audit Report page (HP_RUNCTL_PDAUDIT) to the Predistribution Audit report audits payroll and configuration data and identifies any errors that could be encountered when you run the Actuals Distribution or Actuals GL Interface processes.


  • Payroll for North America > Payroll Distribution > Commitment Accounting CAN > Predistribution Audit Report

  • Payroll for North America > Payroll Distribution > Commitment Accounting USA > Predistribution Audit Report

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Predistribution Audit Report page.

Predistribution Audit Report page

Field or Control


Pay Run ID

Select the pay run ID of the pay run you will audit.

General Audit

Select to have the system verify that department budgets have been set up for the transactions in the selected pay run.

Specific Employer paid Earning/Deduction/Tax Codes

Select to have the system verify that department budgets have been set up for specific Earnings/Deductions/Tax codes for the transactions in the selected pay run.

Audit Project/Grant

Select to have the system verify that the project/grant ChartField specified in the combination code is valid. The system uses the project ChartField value from the ChartField Transaction Table component (ACCT_CD_TBL) to read the Project Table component (PROJECT).