Tracking Committee Information

To set up and track committees, use the Committee Type (EG_COMMITTEE_SETUP), Committees (EG_COMMITTEE_MAINT), and Review Committee Membership (EG_COMM_MBRS) components.

Page Name

Definition Name


Faculty-Committee Type Page


Maintain committee types and committee roles within each type.

Committee Page


Establish a committee and attach a committee type.

Committee Members Page


Assign employees to a committee.

Review Committee Membership Page


View the committees to which an individual employee belongs. This page is display-only.

Use the Faculty-Committee Type page (EG_COMMITTEE_TABLE) to maintain committee types and committee roles within each type.


  • Set Up HCM > Product Related > Workforce Development > Faculty Events > Faculty Event Committee Type > Faculty Event Committee Type

  • Workforce Development > Faculty Events > Define Faculty Events Data > Committee Type > Faculty-Committee Type

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Committee Type page.

Committee Type page

Committee Role Information

Field or Control


Committee Role

Select a role in the committee type, such as Admin Supp (administrative support).

Note: You can add additional committee roles to new committee types only, but not to existing committee types.

Use the Committee page (EG_COMMITTEE) to establish a committee and attach a committee type.


  • Set Up HCM > Product Related > Workforce Development > Faculty Events > Faculty Event Committees > Committee

  • Workforce Development > Faculty Events > Define Faculty Events Data > Faculty Event Committees > Committee

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Committee page.

Committee page

Committee Type Information

Field or Control


Committee Type

Select the type of committee, such as Social, Research, or Education.

Use the Committee Members page (EG_COMMITT_MEMBRS) to assign employees to a committee.


  • Set Up HCM > Product Related > Workforce Development > Faculty Events > Committees > Committee Members

  • Workforce Development > Faculty Events > Define Faculty Events Data > Committees > Committee Members

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Committee Members page.

Committee Members page

Member Information

Field or Control


Committee Member Number

Displays the number of committee members in increments of one for each new row.


Select the role of the committee member.

Start Date and End Date

Enter the beginning and ending dates of the committee membership.

Use the Review Committee Membership page (EG_COMM_MBR_VW) to view the committees to which an individual employee belongs.

This page is display-only.


Workforce Development > Faculty Events > Track Events > Review Committee Membership > Review Committee Membership

This example illustrates the fields on the Review Committee Membership page.

Review Committee Membership page