Tracking Faculty Events

This topic lists common elements and discusses how to track various faculty events.

Page Name

Definition Name


Activities Page


Track employees' research activities by type of academic activity, date, sponsor, and organization.

Faculty Administrative Posts Page


Set up administrative posts.

Track Administrative Posts Page


Track administrative posts and appointments and titles that you do not want to track in the Job Data component. Before using this page, set up the Faculty Events - Administrative Posts page (EG_ADMIN_POST_TBL).

Faculty Presentations Page


Track information about presentations given by employees.

Faculty Publications Page


Track information about the employees' published works.

Student Advisement Activity Page


Track information about any advisement activities.

Track Teaching Responsibility Page


Track faculty teaching responsibilities.

Field or Control


Average Grade

Enter an average grade, using letters or numbers. For example, 3.8.

School Code

Select a school code. When you press the tab key, the system automatically displays the school name, state, and country. If no code exists, enter the school name in the related field.

Maintain school codes in the School Table.

Country and State

Enter the school country and state if the system does not automatically display them.

If you select a different country code after you have already selected a state code, the system clears the value in the State field.

Use the Activities page (EG_ACTIVITIES) to track employees' research activities by type of academic activity, date, sponsor, and organization.


Workforce Development > Faculty Events > Track Events > Activities > Activities

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Activities page.

Activities page

Field or Control



Select Comp if the employee was compensated for the activity, or No Comp if the employee was not compensated.


Enter the name of the department or external organization where the activity took place.

Use the Faculty Administrative Posts page (EG_ADMIN_POST_TBL) to set up administrative posts.


Set Up HCM > Product Related > Workforce Development > Faculty Events > Faculty Administrative Posts > Faculty Administrative Posts

Workforce Development > Faculty Events > Define Faculty Events Data > Define Administrative Posts

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Faculty Administrative Posts page.

Faculty Events - Administrative Posts page

Field or Control


Administrative Post

Enter the name of the administrative post, appointment, or title, such as Chair.

(E&G, CAN) Stats-Can Responsibility (Statistics Canada Responsibility)

This data only appears in the Statistics Canada Academic Teaching Survey reports. Select a responsibility code. This field is for Canadian higher education degree-granting institutions only.

Use the Track Administrative Posts page (EG_ADMIN_POSTS) to track administrative posts and appointments and titles that you do not want to track in the Job Data component.

Before using this page, set up the Faculty Events - Administrative Posts page (EG_ADMIN_POST_TBL).


Workforce Development > Faculty Events > Track Events > Track Administrative Posts > Track Administrative Posts

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Track Events - Administrative Posts page.

Track Events - Administrative Posts page

Field or Control


Administrative Post

Select an administrative post.

Appointment Type

Select the type of appointment.

Revision Date

Enter the date the administrative post changed.


Enter the reason the end date changed.


Select the department in which the post is held.


Enter the internal or external organization in which the post was held.

Use the Faculty Presentations page (EG_PRESENTATIONS) to track information about presentations given by employees.


Workforce Development > Faculty Events > Track Events > Faculty Presentations > Faculty Presentations

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Faculty Presentations page.

Presentations page

Field or Control


Presentation Type

Select the type of presentation the employee performed.

Use the Faculty Publications page (EG_PUBLICATIONS) to track information about the employees' published works.


Workforce Development > Faculty Events > Track Events > Faculty Publications > Faculty Publications

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Faculty Publications page.

Publications page

Field or Control


Date Format For PowerPlay and Date

Select to enter the publication date in the format MM/DD/YYYY. Deselect this check box to enter only the year in the Date field.

Use the Student Advisement Activity page (EG_ADVISEMENT) to track information about any advisement activities.


Workforce Development > Faculty Events > Track Events > Student Advisement Activity > Student Advisement Activity

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Student Advisement Activity page.

Student Advisement page

Field or Control


Student Name

Enter the student advisee's name in the following format: Last Name,First Name (no spaces).

Use the Track Teaching Responsibility page (EG_TEACHING_RESP) to track faculty teaching responsibilities.


Workforce Development > Faculty Events > Track Events > Track Teaching Responsibility > Track Teaching Responsibility

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Track Teaching Responsibility page.

Teaching Responsibilities page

Field or Control


Course ID (course identification)

Enter the course ID, such as TF001 (teach).


Enter the term in which the course is taught. For example, enter 2 to indicate that the course is taught in the second term.

Team Taught

Select if a team of instructors teaches the course.


Enter the percent of the course for which the employee is responsible to teach.